The New Girls!

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Cry's p.o.v
I wake up in a cage in a big room, I see a cage on my left and right,a guy in the cage on my left and a girl in the cage to my left.. Hm... Wonder what they did to get in here? Murder? Robbing? Who knows, I fairly don't give a crap either, so yeah...
"HEY YOU!" I hear the girl scream I look to her and she smiles "Your the new girl, I heard ya been some trouble!"
"Yeah, the doctors threw you in to cage and there were at least 12 guards with them!" Says the guy
"Probably be able to kill them if the guards weren't there!" I say sorta p.o
"I'm Kylee! Nice to meet ya!" The girl says smiling
"I'm Crystal, Crystallized Sage!" I say my full name... I dunno why I just did
"Hey, I'm blue!" The guy says
"I think we're gonna get along!" I say jumping up and holding onto the bars on the top and hang from them
"OI! MUTTS! SHUT UP!" A guy says
"OI! GUARDS! SHUT UP!" Blue screams flipping him off and kylee giggling
"OOOO BUUURRRN!" I say while banging on the bars!
Mel's p.o.v

Guards come in and hand cove my hands behind my back and take me to this court yard and un dose the hand coves then I see Cry with these 2 other people,one has short dirty blond hair and a shirt that has a heart with a knife in it and has a pair of ripped jeans, she looks like a hobo tbh.. We all do... Then there was a boy with Cry too, he had emo bangs and the ends blue, he wore an Orange pants and a white tank top, and cry was wearing her gear still.... Weird.... I fought to myself and I ran up to Cry
"MELMEEL!" she screams and hugs me and I hug her
"CRY!!" I say crying on her
"Who's this?" Asks the girl next to Cry
"This is Mel, my sister!" Cry screams gently pushing me towards the girl and the boy

Little A/N

Hey guys! Sorry for a small chapter I'm super tired and sorry if its really cheesy and stupid! I love you anyways! Byyyee!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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