Chapter 6⚡️

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*Joel's POV*
Zabdiel knocks in the door
"Joel were going to the mall! You coming?" He yells

"You wanna go?" I asked Kaelynn

"Yea I need to get Erick off my mind I'll leave Eva with the nanny" she answers


She gets up and grabs her purse and checks her makeup in the mirror

She looks so pretty

Wait Joel what are you saying!
That's Erick's girl!
"Joel! You know what we should do? We should twinn aiight?"

"Okk" I answered

She walks into her walk in closet
And comes out wearing the exact same thing I'm wearing

She walks into her walk in closetAnd comes out wearing the exact same thing I'm wearing

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She smiles and walks out

When we get to the mall
There we see it
Erick with some girl

Kaelynn looks shocked
Her eyes are full of sadness

How could he get over her so easily

How could he do this?

He broke Kaelynn's heart?

I'm going to kill him

Geez! Joel shut the fuck up. Kaelynn doesn't like guys like you

*Erick's POV*
I push Ariana off of me
"Maybe we should start slow like going to the mall?" I say

She looks down
"Fine" she says

We walk into The mall
And there's Kaelynn
We immediately make eye contact
But she looks away

I see that she's wearing the exact same thing as Joel

What's with them?

I need to make Kaelynn jealous

I put my arm around Ariana and smile at her as we approach them

"Hey guys!" I say sort of loudly
They all turn
I wanted to get Kaelynn's attention but her phone rings

She picks up

After a minute or so she hangs up and turns to us

"Is it okay my friend comes?"she asks

All the guys nod

"Kaelynn Baby!" Someone yells from a distance

We all turn

"Jace!" Kaelynn yells

Jace? What kind of name is that?
Erick is a smooth name but Jace?

Kaelynn and the supposed Jace run up to hug each other

My jaw immediately clenches

I don't know why
But it does
No Erick you're not jealous
You have Ariana

They let go of their hug
I look at Joel and his jaw is also clenched
Joel can't like her

Without thinking I grab Ariana's face
And kiss her

I can feel Kaelynn's eyes on me
Second update of the day😎

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