Chapter 1

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Everything started to come back in focus to Annie... She was in a wood, or more of a forest.

"Oh my word!" thought Annie to herself. " Where on earth am I?"

She looked down at herself. She was covered in mud and leaves...

As she started to wander, trying to find someone to tell her exactly where she was, she started to get very hungry and thirsty. After about another hour of walking, Annie came to a camp. All the tents were very old fashioned, but after what she had been through, they looked very welcoming.

Before she could take another step, a tall centaur blocked her way. "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked her.

Annie was relieved, in fact so much so, that she didn't care that she was talking to something that was, half man and half horse. "Please could you tell me where I am?" was her reply.

The centaur stepped aside to reveal to young men. One looked about sixteen or seventeen, whilst the other must have been about fourteen, roughly the same age as Annie.

The first one had sandy blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Not cold piercing blue eyes, but the eyes of a warrior. The second, brown hair and dark brown eyes. Both were good looking in their own way, but given to their armour and weapons, Annie felt slightly scared of them.

"This is Narnia, land of Aslan. Who are you and what brings you here?" said the first boy.

"Who are you?" Annie cut across him.

The boy raised his eyebrows, "I'm Peter... king of's actually High King Peter the Magnificent, but most just call me King Peter, you see-"

The other boy broke in, "I'm Edmund, his brother. King Edmund the Just. Just King Edmund, mind you, Peter's High King."

Peter looked angry at being interrupted, so he glared at his brother. Annie was completely speechles. She had just arrived in some strange land and had just met royalty and they were talking to her as if she was their friend. " I'm so sorry, their must have been some mistake, you see, I'm just from Finchley and-"

The centaur didn't seem to understand where this Finchley place was, but, Peter and Edmund did... Annie was puzzled by this because even though she said this as though expecting they would know what it was, she realised that she was not still in England. Still confused, she carried on, "I must be getting back now, -"

"No!" Edmund and Peter said at the same time. Clearly, they were both very taken with her. Edmund noticed this, and seemed annoyed that Peter liked this girl too.

Annie looked embarrassed, and the boys realised this.

" No, really, please stay!" Edmund said more quietly.

"I guess a little longer would be fine..."

"Great! Now if-" Edmund carried on, trying to get Annie to stop staring at Peter.

Peter broke in, "Sorry, but what's your name?"

"Annie, Annie Whyte, Your Majesty..." Annie replied breathlessly.

Edmund once again tried to get Annie's attention, but failed. He cleared his throat loudly. Annie turned around and looked at him and smiled, but then turned back to Peter. Edmund scowled. Jealousy was in his nature, but it wasn't fair that all the girls liked Peter, he thought.

"Come with me and I'll show you around the camp. I'll also introduce you to our sisters, Lucy and Susan-" Peter said, still staring at Annie.

Edmund had been just about to do the same. Envy crept inside him. It was his job to do this, as Peter thought himself too grand for jobs like this. Obviously, this was an exception. After all, Annie was very pretty... he thought, as did Peter...

"Isn't that my duty, Peter?"

"Sir..." Peter grimaced.

"But I'm your brother!"


Edmund stuck his tongue out at Peter, and then stalked off.

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