Chapter 5

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Once inside my bedroom Hayoung let go of my wrist and walked towards my closet and started throwing cloths around. Confused I walked next to her. Its not like she doesnt know how organised I am and how I dont appreciate when people snoop around my things and make a big mess.


She ignored me and kept searching for whatever she was looking for. I took a seat on my bed and watched my best friend making a mess in my bedroom. Clothes everywhere, t-shirt, pants, work cloth that was hanging found there places on my wood floor. I couldnt take anymore, its been five minutes and she still putting my clothes on the floor searching for something.

"Hayoung!" I finally snapped after all my closet was empty out.

She turned facing me holding a blue dress and gold heels. "here hold this" she says as she hands me the blue dress and placed the heels affront of my feet. She took steps back to observe me.

"Daebak, Im amazing youll look great" she went towards my drawers where I put all my makeup and accessoiries.

"What do you mean Ill look great where am I going exactly?" I had to asked before miss over there starts breaking my things. But my plan failed since Hayoung already took out all of my earing out of my jewlery box and examin each one.

"Well, I knew you"d agreed with me, so I arrenged a blind date for you" she simply said not bothering looking at me.

The words wouldn't come out on how much I wanted to kill her, how could she behind my back. Sometimes Hayoung can really get on my nerve, like how could she have known I would've simply agreed with her little scheme. I knew something was up the moment she entered my apartment with a bottle of wine at seven in the morning knowing that I leave for work at eight, she asked me to call in sick because she needed to talk about something important my first guess was that she was having a realtionship crisis with her boyfriend since the last time she came with a bottle of wine right before I leave for work she was scared that her realationship with her beau was in crisis. In reality he was gone to Jeju Island to visit his family and forgot to call in she went overboard with the theory he was seeing old girlfriends or that his parents was introducing him to someone better than her. Instead we talked about my "obsession over Chanyeol-oppa" and now I'm learning that miss over here planned for me to meet a stranger for my own good.

"Are you mad?" she asked me while going through my makeup to find the perfect lipstick.

"I'm more than mad, furious, this is an outrage Hayoung-ah how can you do this without my consent?"

"You sound scared" She simply answered.

"Of course I'm nervous I don't know the man and ... I haven't been in any relationship since I graduted from university"

During my years my youth days I went to an all girl school not far from it there was an all boy school that was Chanyeol-oppa school. Sometimes the girls would go over there to stare at the boys playing baseball that"s where I met Junior he was my first crush and my first boyfriend, we dated for a year and three month. We broke up because Hayoung wasn"t feeling him. When I entered college it was a new experience why? Two things I went to a mix school and Hayoung went to a different college so those two years were hard. It was then I had my second boyfriend named Yook Sungjae, he was smart, funny and handsome. We had a noona dongsaeng relationship even thought he was an year older than me. It was akward at first but I gotten used to it. If it lasted a bit longer he couldve been to one to take away my virginity. Sadly we had to end it because we were going to different unniversity and Hayoung wasn"t feeling him. Since then I was focus on my studies and nothing else until the day Oppa told me about him wanted to pursue his politics dream and run for president.

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