Chapter Seven- Slow Races

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        The final bell of the day rang, signaling all students to leave their last class. I headed straight down the stairs to head to the gym.

        "Oh, Navaeh!" I hear coming down the straits behind me.

        "Navaeh!" I hear again, making me turn around on the last step to face Hunter.


         "You're still going to help me out today, right?"

         "Of course. But I thought we agreed on 4 o'clock. I still have an hour and a half to kill." I say.

        "What do you do for an hour and a half?" He asks 'oh-so-curiously'.

         "Run around the track" I shrug.

         "Well... Can I come?" He asks.

         "Only if I can race ya" I say with a wink and head to the girls locker room. 

         I change into my blue Nike tank top with a sports bra under, black shorts, and black and white running sneakers.

         Once I head outside, Hunter is already there sitting on the track, phone in hand. I walk up to him, take his phone and complain.

         "It's perfect weather to run in, it's only 73 degrees(F). Now let's race so you can eat my dust!" I say and start to run further from Hunter.

        As soon as he gets up and starts running, he trips. I roll my eyes and walk back over to him.

       "I didn't mean for you to actually eat my dust." I pointedly say to him.

       "I know. But the ground is uneven." He groans.

       "It's a new track!" I exaggerate.

       "Well it hates me," Hunter mumbles and kicks the ground.

        "Don't be a baby, I'll race you fair and square," I announce to him.

         Once we are at the beginning of the 100 meter mark, I use my phone to time so as soon as we yelled 'go', I pressed start. When I get to the end I click the 'lap' button and press 'stop' when Hunter finishes. I have gotten pretty good with the timers since I started running back in sixth grade.

        "You're not as slow as I thought you'd be," I say.

        "Well, what's my time?" He asks.

        "14 exactly" I reply. I smirk noticing my score.

        "And your's?" He asks.

         I look up at him, still smiling and say, "12.1, not my best but it's not horrible."

         "You did not ge-" Hunter starts.

          I cut him off, "oh... But I did."

          After about and hour we decide to call quits and head to the locker rooms to change. Once I am dressed I already texted Hunter to meet me in front of the school. When I get to the front Hunter is there, in his phone again.I walk up to him and smile when he looks at me. I back away from him, he stands up and we go to his car.

               His car was a black BMW car. It wasn't crazy fancy, but he probably payed a good price for it. If he payed for it I mean.

"Shall we go so I help you grow wiser?" I ask.

Hunter just laughs and nods.

By time we get to my house we both are laughing so hard we are crying. It was also over the stupidest things ever. We started telling each other embarrassing stories to the dumbest pickup lines we knew of. And let me tell you that that boy probably spent half his life learning pickup lines he'd never use. He knew every one in the book. But I knew just as much as him and I have no idea why.

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