Chapter 1

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/Lycia's POV\
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* There goes my alarm clock to signal that I can no longer sleep peacefully. It's the first day of school here I Florida at Jefferson High School. I hit the button to shut up the monster on my nightstand and shove the sheets off me. Before I hop in the shower I grab my fluffy flower print towel (yes I have an obsession with flowers and lace considering my entire wardrobe and room consists of flower print & lace.) After finishing showering up I put on my favorite light pink lace crop top and my favorite light wash jean shorts. I do my usual light make-up with my winged eyeliner and light pink lipstick  that matches my top.  Checking my phone to make sure I still have time, then pull on my favorite black wedges and wuickly braid my hair then gently pull it to loosen it up. I walk down stairs to my mom plating a delicious breakfast of bacon, eggs, & pancakes. "Thanks mom" I say as I sit before I dig in. "Your welcome sweetie" she replies "just make sure to rinse your dishes off before you leave, I have to leave for work." "Alright mom, see you later, love you" I say as she walks to the door. "Love you too sweetie, have a good first day of school" she says as she opens the door and leaves. I finish my meal and rinse off my dishes off like my mom said and run upstairs to grab my phone, backpack, then run back downstairs. I grab my flower water bottle from the fridge and grab my house and car keys from a hook by the door. I open the door and lock the bottom lock before walking outside and close the door behind me.

I check my phone one last time and see Skylar tecyed -Hey girl, sydney walked to my house so you didnt have to drive to her house even tho its only a block down. Much love~Sky-. I reply by saying -ok thx for the heads up be there in 10 luv you~Lycia-. I hop in my car and drive off to Skylar's house with KISS 107 turned up with some Tay Swift playing. When I pull into her drive way Sky and Syd are on the pourch and hop in when I put the car in park. Immediatly they both say in union "Ahh I love this song" (We were listening to Work From Home by Fifth Harmony btw) So on the few minute drive from Sky's house to the high school we jam put to Work From Home.

~At School~
When I have the car off we jump out and walk to the front door and go to our lockers, we asked to ve next to each other (and the principal agreed YAY!!). We put our decorations up and put our school supplies in our lockers and grab the books we need that teachers put in earlier. "Who do you guys like, at our school, in our grade?" Syd asks out of the blue. "Honestly, Jaxon Hall" I reply shyly. "Ooo a bad boy" says Syd. "Yeah whatever, what avout you guys who do you like?" I question "Grayson Donaldson" Skylar says Confidently "Ooo girl we can double date" I tell Skylar "what about you Syd who do you like" Skylar and I say in union. "Ryan Williams" she says sheepishly."we can triple date Skyalr and I say in union again. "We've seriously got to stop doing that" I say "yeah" she agrees. "Stop doing what?" Jaxon, Ryan, and Grayson all say making us jump. "Speaking in union" I say  "oh yeah thats creepy" Jaxon says. "What's it to you" Skylar interjcts with a slight attitude. "We don't want our future girl friends to be creepy" Ryan says, "future girlfriends?" The three of us question, "at least we hope so" Grayson says. Ryan and Grayson both pull out a box each and stand in front of my friends. "I'm just going to stand over there" I say pointing between the lockers and Jaxon. "What can't get enough of me?" Jaxon whispers in my ear. "Eww" I say lightly slapping his chest. Ryan gives his box to Sydney "open it" she opens it and theres a necklace inside that says -I promise- on half a heart. He pulls out his key chain to reveal another half a heart that says -to love you forever-"Aweee" I say unintentionally. Skylar opens hers to reveal a braclet that says -i promise- Grayson pulls out his key chain that also says -to love you forever-. The girls start kissing there new boyfriends for the jewelry and why not. I look away not wanting to be creepy and my eyes land on Jaxon holding out a folded peice of paper. "Will you meet me there after the game tonight?" He says scratxhing the back of his neck, nervous obviously. "Ok" is all I can get out before the bell rings to signal we need to be in first period soon. The girls and I walk in the direction of our class and the boys in the opposite direction
That's it for the first chapter hopefully I can update soon (unlike this time where it toom me FOREVER srry bout that)
The story gets better I promise.

Shoutout to Angelsview1220 for being my proof reader and giving me feedback. She gave me ideas as to what I should do in later chapters too so go follow her. Love ya Sky💜

Shout out to reanne_long09 for being my first commenter and supporting this book. She's a great friend and amazing person so go follow her, too. Love ya 2 Reanne💖

📚 don't be a silent reader plz comment and vote I love feedback (positive only)📚

Thanks for reading, much love

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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