chapter 1

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Rao's POV
When I first saw him I had to have him. Everything about just makes me grow hard. His hair,his eyes,and his body and even get me started on how tasty he looks. Everything about him is screaming submissive. He doesn't think I see the way he looks at me when I'm looking down when I'm drawing but I do. I see it his body may hide it but his eyes tell it all. One way or another I will get my

Hunter's POV
God school can be a pain in the ass sometimes. With four AP classes kicking my ass right now my brain feels like it's about to explode at times. Coming from my other school I never had to put this much work into studying. But other than the AP classes my other classes are pretty good. Especially my art class there's this guy and he's smoking hot. Oh I didn't tell you? sorry but I'm gay you won't believe how many girls try to get me in my pants.......gross. But only my closes friend knows about me being gay I guess you could say... I'm really quiet although on the outside it doesn't.
Basically look like your typical fuck boy. Don't know why really but oh well. Anyway the guys name is Rao I believe I really don't anything else about other than he's a fucking art magician. My art doesn't even stand up to his I draw what I'm feeling at the moment his drawings are just amazing. I was jealous how can he be that good at what he does and on top of the our art teacher looks at all our art work and see's which art is the best for the week you can guess who gets it each week..... Rao's bitch ass. But damn his drawings are so good I'm never going to beat him at drawing......or so I thought. Our art teacher told us that our drawing topic was what we are feeling right now. I'm really good that only problem is I know who's going to win...and that's the sexy guy sitting a cross the room drawing away. God I want him so bad.....wait did I just think that? Oh hell no he's way out of my League and he's fuckin straight. All he girls look at him with hungry eyes. All I want is for him to bend my over and fuck me senselessly making me call him daddy while he's chocking me...OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME HE'S STRAIGHT...AND TO TO TOP IT ALL OFF I'M FUCKING STARING AT HIM AHHHHH. I look away fast god I hope he didn't see me. "Alright class if you didn't finish your drawings you need to finish them for homework" my teacher say getting out of my perverted thoughts. Wait did she say tonight for homework? Oh shit I have band practice and I have four essays due plus art. Why god why? "Are you OK?" I look up to see who was asking me that when I looked up I felt like running out the room but my damn legs wouldn't do a damn thing. "Y-yeah I-I-I'm g-good" I say to Rao mentally punching myself I can't even speak right around the guy...great. "You sure your OK you look.....flustered" Rao asked kind of concerned. "Yeah I'm fine you around....Rao" I quickly gathering my stuff before I walked quickly out of the room.

Rao's POV
I was right he's even more cute up close. Class was over I decided to go and talk to him after seeing him look at me over and over I wanted to get a....taste of what he was like. I saw him sitting there looking down at his art book. It looked like he was stressed out about something I walked over and asked was he OK and when he looked up at me it took everything in my body not grab him by the hair and kiss those plump lips of his. Although I think I might scared him he seemed to be stressing even more. It was cute seeing him stumble over his words though I was about to tell him that I had the same classes as he did now but he walked out of the room so quick. I thank the counselor for screwing up my schedule although I do needed to take those classes.....but one things for sure.....this is going to be a fun year for me and my

Hunter's POV
Well that's just great I can't even talk to to the guy without making myself look like the idiot. He probably thinks I'm weird or something......I had one job and blew it AHHHHHHHH. Now I have to go to the rest of my classes all upset.......what else could go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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