The Light Behind Your Eyes

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Hey guys, Butterlover328 here with a new one-shot!! I meant to post this earlier this summer, but instead I'm posting it today in honor of MCRX. I've spent all day listening to MCR to build up to my first time listening to the album, and as I'm writing A/N, I've just started Danger Days, so I still have two albums (because Conventional Weapons counts in my opinion) until I listen to Living With Ghosts. Anyways, this is a Crossover with Supernatural, although the actual crossover is very light because it features a minor character rather than Team Free Will. It is a Danger Days fanfiction, and that's all I'm going to say about it because I don't want to spoil the surprise. But anyways, you don't really want to read my pre-story rambling, so I'm going to leave you here. If you liked what you read, please comment or favorite or something just to let me know that you care, and if you're still reading this, let me know what your favorite MCR song from each album, or just your favorite in general if you want. Anyways, I'm Butterlover328, and I'll see you guys later. Bye!!


Party Poison came into consciousness slowly at first, but once he remembered what had happened, he shot up in a flash, gasping for breath as his eyes darted around his surroundings, desperately trying to figure out where he was.

Except there was nothing. All he could see for miles was just white mist. For a minute, Poison had thought that he had been captured and stuck in one of BL/ind's cells, but he realized as he started to scope out his whereabouts that where he was seemed to go on forever, and not even BL/ind's technology could create a room like this, and they would definitely not have let him keep his colorful clothes. He itched to move around, but as he stood and started to walk around, a voice echoed from behind him.

"Welcome, Gerard." Poison instinctively turned to face the voice and pull out his weapon, but he balked as he realized it was not at his hip.

"There's no need for weapons here, Gerard. Or would you prefer I call you by your moniker??" The voice, which belonged to a woman, asked. Poison assessed her, cataloguing her features in his memory. She was pale, with dark brown hair flowing down to her shoulders and light brown eyes that held secrets Poison wasn't sure he wanted to know. She wore a short sleeved white shirt and matching pants, and while she seemed harmless, Poison sensed that there was something off about her and didn't relax his stance.

"Who are you and how do you know my name??" He asked, clenching his fists and preparing mentally for a fight. While his brother was the best at hand to hand combat out of the four Killjoys, that didn't mean that Poison wasn't proficient in it. After all, someone had to train him.

"My name is Tessa, and I am a reaper, though you and your friends would call me the Phoenix Witch." She answered, as if that answered everything. And in a way, it did.

Poison's hands dropped from their previous position in shock. While he had heard stories of the Phoenix Witch, he hadn't fully believed in the tale, preferring more to tell the stories to give hope to Missile Kid than to dare hope for himself.

"What do you want from me??" He asked, although with her appearance he was sure he knew the answer.

"You're dead, Gerard." She said nonchalantly, as if revealing the news he had been dreading didn't send the world crashing down upon him.

"I-I'm what??" He asked, dumbfounded. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach, but he didn't want to face the reality.

"You're dead. The one that you called Korse killed you with a shot to the head, and your brain was fried in an instant. It was painless, which is what most people hope for when they die." Tessa declared, tacking on the statement about his painless crossover as if it made any difference in the long run.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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