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Sound is produced when something vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate. Vibrations in air are called traveling longitudinal waves, which we can hear. Sound waves consist of areas of high and low pressure called compressions and rarefactions, respectively. That is sound.


Emma sat in the back of her brand new school and class. First period of the day and the first day at school, Chemistry. By the response from people they were all the same, fake. Looking around the room of uninterested faces made her feel stupid when she wasnt. People were awful creatures, their corrupted by greed, selfishness, hate. Even when she moved in with her new step parents and she couldn't trust them, even though they saved her. They didn't see her world, only theirs and what they thought was best. God she missed her parents.


"I'm Emma Stark, lets have a good year." Emma said and smiled at more uninterested faces, she put on a show for them. "Right over there" the English teacher said in a monotone voice and pointed next to a boy in the corner, an empty seat near the window he stared out of. Emma nodded and walked to her new seat.

Once she got a closer view she saw the boy had headphones in, his music made a fuzzy audible noise from his seat as she plopped her backpack down on her desk, snapping him back to reality. He turned his attention to the board and straightened up, 'I wonder what he's listening to..' Emma thought as she longed to do the same thing. She longed for her IPod and headphones, her CD's, her speaker, all of which her step parents took.

She sat down as the teacher began his lesson for the day, which she was lost on. It was the third week of school, she'll catch up. Yeah, she will. Emma glanced at the boy and began taking in his features. His cheekbone was slim and slightly chiseled at an angle, his hair was a light brown that looked like bark on a tree. He was tall and lean, yet his sweater took away from that theory a bit, yet she could see his muscles on his chest against his skin tight t shirt. Maybe that's why he wore a sweater, to keep people from looking. His eyes were a brilliant green and his skin was tanned, and reminded her of carmel, light and warm.
And yummy.
Emma quickly looked away as the thought popped into her head and shook it off. 'He doesn't mean anything' she thought as she focused her gaze up at the board and began to take notes.


Emma had gone through a long day, introducing herself six times to people who didn't give a shit sucked ass. Her classes also didn't catch her up on the first two weeks of school she had missed while moving, instead, they kept teaching like she wasn't there. Ignored her. She walked down the hall to the music room, she had at least saved her cello from her step parents wrath. When she moved, she had the cello sent to the school, she thought she's be in Orchestra since she signed up for it, yet her step parents forced her to take a animation class and P.E instead of her picks...which were orchestra and interior designing. She was grateful she sent it to the school. She mourned over the piano they sold off to a music store, which had it displayed now in their shop window.
Emma sucked in her breath at the sight of the music room she had failed to be in, the ceiling was a bit higher than the normal ceiling for the school, the chairs were set up in neat rows that were split down the middle every two chairs across for sections, their were Basses lines up on a wooden rack along the back wall and Violins and Violas in book like shelf's in alphabetical order, the names on neon green tape. Them she saw the Cello rack along the right side of the small yet fascinating room before her, and in her vintage blue, purple, and pink starred case, she saw her cello, neon green tape along the side with her name in fancy writing.

She set her bag against the side of the door and walked over to grab her Cello. She ached and longed to play it, it had been almost a month since she had played it, that was the longest she had spent away and not playing it for. She flipped up the side clips, the case laying on it's back. She remembered the day her real parents brought home the black shiny case with a cello to big for her she played regardless. Once she got about 12, she got her artistic age and spray painted and colored her black case like the galaxy, it turned out beautifully.

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