Chapter One

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Alrighty, before we start the chapter, I just wanted to say, thank you so much for checking this out! I really really appreciate it! This Error X FEMALE Ink book is requested by _Female_Ink_Sans_ go check em out! Hope you enjoy the chappy!


Chapter One


He's Really Interesting


{Ink's POV}

Welp, I guess I need to take a shower now. I have to meet up with Dream(Dream Sans). He told me he wants me to meet someone. A special someone, maybe? If so, I support him with all my heart. He's like a brother to me after all. I quickly got up from my bed and opened my closet to look for clothes. As I opened it, I saw a little box inside with a note attached to it. Huh? I don't remember putting this in here. I took the box and the note as I read who the note was from. It's from... Dream? Wait, how did he put it in inside my closet without me knowing? And why in my closet? Gah, never mind. I sighed as I read the note.

'Hey, Inky! Happy anniversary! On our friendship, of course. We've been friends for 17 years now. Here's a little gift I got ya! See ya later.

~ Dream Sans'

Huh? Oh. How the heck did I forget? Haha, well, he doesn't know, so I'm just gonna keep it that way. I nervously chuckled as I opened the little box. It was a heart locket. I opened it and it had both mine and Dream's picture and a picture saying 'Best Friends'. I recognize that picture. It was years ago at prom. We both didn't have any dates and well, we didn't want to go there with each other, so we decided to just stay home and watch weird movies. Heh. It was a golden heart locket. It was really beautiful. It isn't surprising that Dream would get me this. I mean, he always gets the good presents. Which isn't fair. I smiled and put the heart locket back in the box as I closed it. I'm not gonna wear it until I'm done showering. I might ruin it. I don't want that to happen. I then put the box, that contains the heart locket, on my desk as I looked back st my closet and started finding clothes.

After showering, I quickly put on the clothes I picked as I grabbed the little box that contained the heart locket that Dream gave me. I opened it and took the heart locket out as I put it on. Why does Dream always buy the things that almost anyone could dream of? Okay, yeah now I get why. I slightly giggled as I grabbed my backpack and opened the door. I then closed the lights and headed out as I locked the door.

~|Time Skip|~

I then got to the park where I'm supposed to be meeting Dream with that someone he's gonna introduce me to. I couldn't find them anywhere, though. Maybe they left? I'm damn late, cause of trying to find a perfect gift for Dream. Nah, no way. Dream would never leave. He would call first, if so. I kept looking and walking around the park to find him and that person. After looking and walking around for almost an hour, I finally found him. Or, well, them. He was with another Sans who looked... Glitchy? It was like Geno(Aftertale Sans), but that Sans had errors everywhere on him. Huh, alright. I slowly walked up to them as I waved my 'hand' and smiled. "Inky!"Dream chuckled.

"Hey, Dream!"I greeted as I looked at the other Sans next to him while smiling.

"Oh, yeah! Error, this is Ink! My best friend. Ink, this is Error! One of my friends from a part time I took."Dream nervously chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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