The strange feeling

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   Have you ever loved your best friend but. You just was scared of the chances it will take. He has those grey sliver eyes and that Snow White skin that make you blush. Such a pretty face he has and he is your world he so sad but you are his sunshine to his rain. But you just want him as more then a best friend. You start question would this hurt me at the end? You put your headphones on and listen to your favorite song that always hits home no matter what the mood is. Then you start playing with blonde hair then you realize you want look pretty today more then any other days. You were such cute boy but you didn't believe that because you hide those inner emotions that effects your self esteem. Everyone thinks your so cheerful but inside you're not that person at all and you put smile and wave so no one will see. Then you go down to the family room to watch tv also get a blanket just in case you get cold. Then you think to yourself love is strange we fall in love with friends and people we feel strange around. Sure you love your best friend he been there for you over the years but love is strange when you realize you you feel awkward around him now love is a weird thing that can't be explained!

End of chapter 1

Love is strange (( Chris X Ted knt))Where stories live. Discover now