Let the hidden emotions hide

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    After thinking about your best friend about how much you love him. You start feeling strange again that feeling that love gives and you start cry a bit. The awkwardness builds up again it tears you up inside. You say to yourself I been to hell and back forever fighting these feeling that I hide from the world. Do you know how much it hurts that I can't hold your hand and tell you that I love you. Then stop crying then you turn on the tv of course nothing on tv like always then just took a nap drown out the emotions. You start think I want be free from the awkward state and don't want feel strange when you see him. Later on you woke up from your nap you realized that you're favorite song by The Killers was playing you start sing along because you're that kind of weird when you with friends and by yourself alone. Then you hear a loud knock on the door wondering who it is and you open the door and it was your best friend Ted and your face got so red! Oh hey Ted you said while looking down then he looked at you and patted your head hey you ok Chris he said. You said yes I am awhile with a fake smile on your face and he cracked little smile on his face and said want hang out and watch movies all night and your cheeks got pink and nodded yes. Then you two went to the family room to watch movies and hang out.

End of chapter 2

Love is strange (( Chris X Ted knt))Where stories live. Discover now