➦ Emvlia

15 3 0

Hello all you beautiful people! My name is Emelia. Here are the things that you need to know about me.

➦ People call me Emelia, but that's not my real name.

➦ I am 14 turning 15 on 11th December.

➦ I want to be wild vet or a graphic designer... Even though I'm not good at graphic design.

➦ My goal in life is to travel around the world.

➦ My second goal in life is to visit every Disney Land in the world.

➦ My dream is to strangle brother... JK     (no, really I really want to.)

➦ My real dream is to help evey people and animal in need.

➦ I'm a very friendly person, but very very scary when somebody got me pissed.

➦ I love cats!!!!!! Basically every animal in this world. Except for insects.

➦ I'm a very very weird person.

➦ I love making new friends! So you beautiful people can chat with me or even ask for advices.. My friends said I give good advices.. i don't know how.

Those are some of the things that you people need to know! If you guys want to know anything else about me... Do ask and don't be shy! And I will add it here.

For everybody who is reading this, have the best day of your life, if its today or tomorrow just have fun!

❤ Emelia.

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