Chapter 12

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I ran to my room as I grabbed my toughest pair of black boots. If I was going to face a homicidal maniac in the woods I wasn't going to go bare foot. Or unprepared. I slipped on my boots ran to my closet and pulled out my black leather jacket. I ran to the kitchen to go get one of the butcher knives only to find that they were all gone. Even the f#cking butter knife wasn't there. On the kitchen counter was a little orange post-it-note.

~Nice try. But I won't let you off so easy Amanda~

Angrily I crumbled up the note and threw across the kitchen. I had to think. I put my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes.

I would use my switchblade but it's to small to do any real damage. My fathers hunting knife! It was long and sharp enough!

I ran upstairs to my parents room. Where did Dad put that thing? I got down on my knees and looked under the bed. There it is! I quickly grabbed the knife inspecting the sharpness and durability. It seemed pretty good, but was it enough? I got up and checked the drawers of the nightstand. Underneath a couple of shirts and pants was a gun. A small hand gun. I picked it up and checked if it was loaded.

It had six bullets. And six was really all I needed to finish the job. I put the gun in my backpack and kept the hunting knife in my pocket.

I was ready.

I was about to walk out, but then I caught my reflection in the mirror. I looked at myself so prepared. I looked at my reflection only to see tears coming from my eyes. I looked different. I was the same on the outside. But I still looked different. When did I start crying? How did my personality I change so fast? I was happy once. But not now. Most likely never again.

I wiped my tears quickly and exited the room. Which is something I would never have been able to do before my life went to hell.

(Isn't it amazing? How one experience can either ruin you or make you strong?)

I walked down the stairs and walked outside. I stared up in the sky. There were no stars. Just the moon. Then I looked down at the bloody footprints. Then I found a new emotion come to me.


When I find this maniac she will regret all she has done.


~~~Genocide's P.O.V~~~

I watched from far away as Amanda stared at the stars. I clenched my fists and grit my teeth. She had everything I wanted. Everything I deserved. I saw her turn to look at her at my beautiful "art work" that I made with Mary's blood. She was quite easy to get rid. Even if she isn't exactly dead. That's just what I want Amanda to believe.

I can see her shaking with anger.

(Oh joy! She's angry and determined! How delightful~)

I grin under my mask. She swears that she has the upper hand on me. But she doesn't. She never did have the upper hand on us did she?

My smile gets wider as I turn to my partner.

"This is going to be a riot~"


~~~Amanda's P.O.V~~~

I pull my jacket closer to me as I trudge through the woods. She said to meet her at Carrie's Creek, the old creek were kids had gone missing in the 1940s. I didn't know the whole legend. Only that there was once a woman who live in a cabin out here all alone. It was rumored that she was killed the kids who ventured to far onto her property and drowned them as punishment.

I kept walking until I reached the Creek. And there, on the other side of the creek was Genocide. I looked at the water in the creek. It was rushing water. It was way to rough to try and swim, but there were a few rocks sticking out of the water. Carefully I place my foot on the first one. Then the next. Then again. Over and over until I reached the other side. I stepped safely onto the shore.

I was face to face with her.

"Welcome to my game Amanda~" It said.

I didn't respond. I just stared. How could I be so furious and afraid at the same time?

"Here are the simple rules. There are three keys you must find. A bronze rusted key, a silver key, and a gold key. These three keys will be placed in three things you fear. Once you get the keys go to the old cabin. Open the three locks on the door and get your sister. But that's only if you're able to face you fears. Remember that 'X' marks the spot. You have one minute before I start to hunt you down. That minute starts now."

Without second thought I ran deeper into the woods. I kept running until Genocide and the cabin were out of sight. How the hell was I gonna do this? Searching for three keys in the forest is like searching for a needle in hay stack!

I stopped and leaned up against to catch my breath. She said the keys are in things I fear. But what does that mean. I thought of three things I feared most. Dead things. As a kid I always feared being around dead things. Heights. I always feared heights. But what else.

Then it hit me.

My family.

I always feared losing my family. But losing my family isn't a material fear? Maybe the last key was at my house.

"The minutes up! I'M COMING TO FIND YOU!"

I froze up for a moment. She coming for me. I quickly took in one last breath before running again. Genocide said that 'X' marks the spot. So I have to look for and 'X' right?

As I ran looked around to see if I could spot an 'X' . Then I felt my hook onto something which sent me face first into the forest floor. Scared and still panicked I took out my knife a turned around pointing in the air. Thankfully there was no one there. I looked down to see what I tripped over and nearly threw up. It was the body of a dead deer. If you would've asked me to describe this moment in my life, I don't think I'd be able to.

The stench was awful. I could even hear the buzzing of the flies hovering around it. I got up and walked to the other side of it. And then my blood froze dead in it's tracks. There it was. The 'X' I was looking for, drawn on the deer's belly. My eyes widened as I doubled over and emptied out the contents of my stomach. Did I have to cut it open?

I stared at the hunting knife in my hand reading myself. I bent down on my knees trying to ignore the smell. I put the tip of the knife where the line of the 'X' began. Then I slowly moved down. I closed my eyes.

(Make it stop.)

I opened my eyes and looked at the incision I made. Then I pried the rest open with my hands. I tried my best not to throw up again as I searched the inside of the deer. I tried to ignore the smell of blood and the squishy noises coming from inside. Then I felt my fingers brush against a metal object. The key! Nearly crying in happiness I grabbed the key and pulled my had out of the deer.

I looked at my hand. My left arm was soaked in blood til my elbows, trying to ignore that I looked at the bronze key know in my possession.


That's one down.

Two more to go.

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