Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ricardo turned his head forward to (his surprise) see, Alex. Ricardo asked,"Alex? Where am I? What happened? Why am I here?" Alex a little impatient and quickly replied,"You're here because you got hit at the backside of your head with a flag, by one of the girls in colorguard. I didn't know what to do so I...I um kinda stuck you in this stall in the boys bathroom. So when you woke up, you would get to Mr. Ashbee's class for homework. But I guess you missed that too! that you're awake let's get to the walker line". Ricardo was surprised and asked,"Walker line?! Are you serious?! I skipped homework class?!" Alex said impatiently,"Yes! Now, let's go!" Ricardo asked,"Wait...what happened?" Alex was outside of the bathroom when Ricardo spoke which made Ricardo a little annoyed. Ricardo then said louder and angrier,"What happened when I was gone?!" Stephanie Hernandez was outside the boys bathroom and quickly said,"What happened was that my friend ,Dania, was going to the band room. She threw her flag in the air and she didn't catch it in time. The flag hit the back of your head and you knocked out. Alex here, thought of leaving you in one of the boys bathroom stalls. He thought you would wake up for homework class. You clearly didn't we are". Alex was annoyed and looked at Ricardo saying,"That's what I just said". Ricardo then said looking back at Alex,"Well, Stephanie explained it better and clearer!" Ricardo and Alex faced each other, both very annoyed at the other, both looking like they could fight at any minute. Stephanie chuckled and said,"Oh my god. You guys look like small children who claim they're gonna fight, but they never do. C'mon let's go line up". Ricardo and Alex looked at her and walked by her side. Ricardo then said,"Listen, while I was knocked out..I had a nightmare I should say. Maybe it was something to help me clear up my thoughts". Stephanie and Alex stopped and said,"go on with the nightmare". Ricardo continued on explaining his nightmare to Stephanie and Alex, which at times Stephanie would smile or say,"Oh my god". When he was finished, Stephanie kept rambling and fangirling about how it's a sign him and Xavier should be together. Stephanie then went on to be with her other friends, while Ricardo and Alex stood talking to each other. Ricardo noticed Jason talking to Xavier and didn't pay attention to what Alex said. The line started moving as students were going outside the school. Ricardo waited until, Xavier would be by the area where Ricardo was always at (when he waited for his mom),so he could meet Xavier again. Ricardo walked over and sat beside Xavier on the red cement. Xavier looked at Ricardo and looked down again. Ricardo sighed and said,"I'm sorry for everything that happened today. Today was one of the craziest days of my life...and one of the messed up ones too. I'm really sorry, , I swear I won't talk about Imagyn". Xavier stunned at his words and looked down and said,"I'm also sorry. I'm your best should be allowed to talk about your girlfriend if you wanted to. I don't know what came over me today, but I promise it won't happen again". Ricardo smiled and looked at Xavier with sincere eyes. Ricardo sighed a breath of relief and said,"It's alright". Xavier looked at him and smiled. Xavier hugged Ricardo and said,"I'm glad we can finally be 'okay'". They both smiled, but they both knew that today was far from 'okay'. Ricard's mom's car was near the sidewalk. Ricardo spotted it and told Xavier,"Let's go". They put their instruments in the trunk. Then, they both got in the car.

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