Chapter 8

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"We should totally go for a walk." Levi said once he had calmed down slightly.
"Levi, it's the middle of the night!" Drew replied.
"Exactly it'll be fun." He said taking Drew by the hand and pulling him off the bed. Quietly they made their way to the door and after checking that there was no one in the corridor, they made their way out of the hotel. After asking at the lobby for directions to the river they made their way down the street giggling quietly between themselves. After taking a few wrong turns they finally made it and were walking along the river Seine. Hand in hand they strolled along the river, taking in the sights of Paris at night and just enjoying the peace and quiet. After walking for a while Drew tugged Levi down onto a bench and together they sat admiring the skyline opposite.
"You know I love you, don't you?" Levi asked squeezing Drew's hand.
"Of course, I love you too." Drew replied slightly confused.
"I've been thinking and now that Austin, Nate, Reece, Blake and George know about us, I think we should tell Joe, Dean and Davey."
"What if they try to split us up? Or what if they tell us that we can't be together and be in the band?" Drew asked in reply slightly unsure.
"They can't and won't split us up. I won't let them, and I doubt Austin and Nate or Brad and Connor would let them either. I would also rather quit the band and be with you than be forced to play show after show with you, knowing that they would never let us be together and were actively doing everything to keep us apart. Besides they told Brad and Connor that they just had to lay low and not openly advertise their relationship. And we don't need to hide in front of Austin and Nate and the New Hope Club boys. We can be ourselves and not have to worry about someone walking into our hotel room if we've swapped. I love you so much and I don't want to hide it around other people. I'm tired of it."
"I love you too, and if you want to tell Joe and the others then I think we should. When do you want to do it?" Drew asked.
"I think we should wait until after the concert tomorrow night at least."
"I think that's a good idea and its actually later tonight if you think about it." He replied chuckling. They spent a while sitting on the bench cuddled together keeping warm and enjoying their surroundings. After sitting together for a while they decided to make their way back to the hotel. Eventually they made it back to their room at about 3 in the morning and after getting changed collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep cuddled together. The next morning, they slept in late and were woken up by Austin.
"Guys you need to wake up!" he exclaimed pulling the blanket off them.
"What? What's going on?" Levi asked sitting up confused from where he had just woken up.
"Davey is on his way up to see you both, Brad just text me." Austin replied.
"Oh shoot!" Levi exclaimed. Drew hadn't even woken up so Austin came up with a plan.
"You go in the bathroom and lock the door and I'll wake Drew." He said pushing Levi towards the bathroom. He made his way into the bathroom while Austin headed over to the bed where Drew was asleep.
"Drew wake up. Davey is on his way up!" he said shaking Drew awake.
"What? Why? Where's Levi?" he asked confused.
"Davey's on his way up. I don't know why and he's in the bathroom, now help me separate the beds before he gets here." Austin said pulling him off the bed. Together they pushed the beds back into their original places and quickly made the bed. Drew climbed back into his bed and Austin made himself comfortable on the other bed just in time for Davey to walk in the room.
"Drew you need to get up we leave for sound check in half an hour." He said after he noticed Drew still in bed.
"Where's Levi and Nate?" he asked.
"Nate's getting dressed in the other room and Levi's in the bathroom." Austin replied looking up from his phone.
"I want you all down in the lobby in 30 minutes." He said before walking back out the room. Austin let out a sigh of relief once the door had shut behind him and Drew flopped back onto his pillow. Making sure he waited a few minutes to make sure Davey had gone, Austin headed back to his room letting Levi know it was safe to leave the bathroom.
"That was close." Levi said exiting the bathroom. Both boys got dressed and made sure that they were downstairs to meet Davey and the rest of the guys. Once everyone was downstairs it was decided that they would all travel to the venue in one bus. It was a short ride to the venue and the boys spent it squashed together on the sofas joking and laughing with each other. When they got there they made their way inside and to the stage. As New Hope Club were only performing one song they sound checked first, followed by The Tide and then The Vamps. After sound check had finished they had a couple of hours' free time so they spent it in the dressing rooms and messing around in the arena. Drew and Levi had also managed to speak to Brad and Connor about coming out to Joe and the others, and they told them that Joe would be fine with it and that they shouldn't be worried. Levi was chasing Nate around the arena because he stole his phone when the doors were opened, unknown to them.
"Nate give it back!" he shouted.
"Never!" he replied turning the corner ahead of him. Levi continued to chase him not knowing that Nate was calling Drew from his phone.
"Drew tell your boyfriend to stop chasing me!" he exclaimed as he accidently ran through the entrance hall of the venue that was filling up with fans.
"How am I supposed to do that if you have his phone?" Drew asked in reply. Nate had unconsciously slowed down and the next thing he knew Levi had tackled him to the floor. In the scuffle Nate dropped Levi's phone and they ended up lying on the floor both out of breath.
"Guys what happened?" Drew asked through the phone. Both boys tried to reach for the phone which resulted in Levi wrestling Nate to try and reach the phone first. Levi managed to grab his phone before jumping up and running back the way they came making sure he didn't bump into any fans in the entrance hall. They were running fast enough that none of the fans tried to stop them or follow them and they eventually made it back to the dressing room where they collapsed onto one of the sofas. None of the boys gave a second thought to the comment Nate made while running through the fans and started preparing to go on stage. Davey was double checking the equipment when they got there. They huddled together wishing each other luck before they headed out. Cheers erupted from the audience before they were even in position and there were plenty of signs in the crowd. Nate and Austin ran on stage first with Drew and Levi following at a slightly slower pace. Unknown to all four boys who had not checked Twitter before the show, as a result of Levi and Nate's antics earlier #Dreviisreal was trending. They played their set with all the energy they put into every show and made their way off stage to go hang out with the New Hope Club boys.
"Hey guys, have you seen this?" Reece asked once they were in the dressing room.
"No, what's up?" Levi asked sitting next to Reece while Drew was messing around with Nate. Reece showed Levi his phone which was currently showing the top trending topics on twitter.
"Guys we have a problem." Levi called causing Nate and Drew to instantly stop what they were doing.
"What's up?" Austin asked.
"Check Twitter." Was Levi's reply while he was scrolling through all the tweets using the hashtag.
"How did this happen?" Austin asked looking over at Drew and Levi. None of the boys answered until Levi suddenly remembered Drew and Nate's conversation earlier while he was chasing him around the arena.
"You phoned Drew earlier when I was chasing you through the entrance hall earlier remember?" asked Levi looking at Nate.
"Crap." Nate said by way of reply.
"What happened? What did you say?" Austin asked unaware of the conversation that transpired a few hours before.
"I stole Levi's phone earlier and he chased me around the arena for it. We didn't realise they were letting fans in and as we ran through the entrance hall I had phoned Drew and told him to tell his boyfriend to stop chasing me." Nate replied. Austin the ever level headed one was already thinking of the repercussions and what they could do to fix it.
"Have Joe or Davey seen it yet?" he asked.
"Joe hasn't been in here, he's along with The Vamps in their dressing room and I haven't seen Davey." Reece replied.
"Okay so here's what we're going to do," Austin said "You two are going to have to try and keep away from each other while they are around and we can tell them it was just a joke and Nate was just messing around earlier. You both need to be really careful because if we could figure out that you were in a relationship it won't take them long to notice if they're looking for it. That also means that you two can't go out anywhere on your own or they might get suspicious. We can try and help any way we can. For the first couple of weeks you'll have to play along with whatever they suggest to dispel the rumours. If anyone has a problem I imagine it will be Joe's bosses. If you're seen to be playing along though I'm sure Joe and Davey will help us. Okay?" Both Drew and Levi looked at each other knowing that Austin was right and although it would kill them to do so they would play along with whatever they wanted. As long as they were on the tour bus there was nothing they could do to physically separate them. If only they knew. Blake, Reece and George made their way to the stage as they were going on soon and Austin and Nate went with them to watch from backstage and to give Drew and Levi some time together.
"Is it really worth all this trouble?" Drew asked looking at Levi.
"I know Austin is trying to help but maybe this is what we needed to finally tell Joe and Davey." Levi said pulling Drew into a hug.
"I think we should and then maybe they can help." Drew replied.
"If they don't say anything before we get back to the hotel then we should tell them tonight." Levi suggested.
"Okay, and if they say something before we get back to the hotel?" Drew asked.
"I don't know, we'll have to wing it I suppose."

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