Chapter 29

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Macy's P.O.V.

"Ahem." I heard someone cough. I turned so that my pillow was engulfing my face.

"AHEM!" I heard someone cough louder. "Whaaat let me sleep," I managed to say through the pillow.

"Fine, I'll eat this myself." Eat? What? I turned and looked up to see Mark with a tray of food.

"Aww, did you make this for me?" I blushed and sat up. He put the tray on my lap and jumped over me to sit by my side on the bed.

"Well, not exactly.. I tried to, aha," He said scratching the back of his neck, "It was a fail so I ordered some iHop and went to go pick it up."

I giggled, "Well, thank you." He kissed my cheek and we both ate off the tray. He had put two meals of pancakes on it, so sharing was easy. When we finished our breakfast, he said he was going to Jacobs house and wanted me to go with him.

"Sure," I got up from the bed, "but I need to change."

"I'll wait here," he said smiling up at me. He was already changed and prepared.

I went to the restroom and showered. I put on a gray shirt and over it one of Marks hoodies. I slid on a pair of dark blue shorts and put my hair up into a messy bun then just put on a bit of mascara and eyeliner. I walked out of the restroom to find my room empty. I saw my phone light up and slid my finger across the screen to see I had a message from Mark that was sent less then a minute ago.


Private message with Mark

Mark- Im outside waiting 🤗 You take forever babe 😂❤️


I put my phone in my pocket and went out of my room and down the stairs. I got out of the front door and saw Mark waiting on the side of the street. With Lisa. I let out a slight sigh and slowly made my way to them, but before I could make it to them, they started kissing. Tears flooded my eyes as i ran back to my house and slammed the front door closed. I locked it and ran up the stairs not hesitating a step. I slammed my door and flopped on my bed letting all my tears fall on my pillow.

I pulled at my sleeve to wipe my tear then remembered I was wearing Marks hoodie. I immediately pulled it off and threw it across the room.

How could he? He told me I didn't have to be jealous. He told me he loved me. I bet both were lies. I bet everything was a lie. I felt my phone buzz but I shook my head and ignored it. I felt it buzz again so I slid it out and unlocked it. Mark.


Private message with Mark

Mark- You saw, didnt you?

Mark- Macy, she came on to me. I would never do that to you and you know that.


Do I? Do I really?


Private message with Mark

Macy- Yeah. I bet.

Mark- Please come to the door.

Macy- Leave me alone. Run along with Lisa.

Mark- Macy i dont like Lisa. I fucking love you, dont you get it? I wouldnt do that! She came on to me!

Macy- See, why cant i believe you? Leave me alone Mark. Please.

Mark- Macy...


I wiped my tears and called Jacob and told him if he could come over. He told me he'd be here in no time and it took him less than 5 minutes to be at my front door.

I opened the door and tried my hardest to smile for him, but I couldn't. The tears just ended up leaving my eyes again, but worse than before. I called Jacob because he's my best friend and I was hoping he would comfort me and help me get over this.

"Whats wrong Mace?" He engulfed me in a hug and rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"M- Mark," I managed to stutter out. He closed the front door and sat me down on the couch in the living room.

"Tell me what happened." We talked about all of it. And, like I thought he would, he made it better. He blocked Lisa's number on his phone. I never had her number so there was no problem there. Then he had to go.

"Call me if you need anything, okay Mace?" He said at my front door. I nodded and hugged him goodbye, "Thank you."

The rest of the day, I stayed laying in bed and watching Good Luck Charlie on Netflix. I checked my phone and saw that I had a message. I unlocked it.


Private message with Mark

Mark- So.. Its over?

Macy- Yeah.

Mark- Macy.. I don't want it to be. I know were young and this may sound stupid, but i love you. I truly love you.


I shook my head. I wasn't going to start crying again. I put my phone down then turned off the TV and lights and forced myself asleep.

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