Chapter 3: Amnesia Amongst Company

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Yesterday was the first day of the rest of your life, and you messed it up again - Patrick Murray

I'm gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
I'm gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine

In my lucid dreams
In my lucid dreams

Catching That Butterfly - The Verve

Barely fifteen minutes later, the group was making its way back along the road Harry, Draco and Hermione had travelled earlier. Despite their best efforts, the former two had been unable to deter their friends from accompanying them home. From what they were made to understand, it was a rare occasion when any evening out ended with a parting at the restaurant. It had become a custom to return to one of their flats for drinks and further socializing, and Harry and Draco had the undesirable roles of hosts for the night.

The city looked quite different by night. During the day it was bathed in a cold sunshine, that illuminated the dust rising from the roads and lit the streets with a yellowy glare. At night, though, the only lights were harsh neon, and the brilliance of the streetlamps and their artificial glow. There were lots of people around, many drunk, some stoned, and a few both, and Harry counted twelve bars and nightclubs on the way back to their flat.

He and Draco had been careful to keep up pretences as they had walked back home with the others. As soon as they had left the restaurant, Ron and Lavender and Hermione and Sean had promptly begun holding hands, and even Ginny and Seamus were getting on better. So as not to arouse suspicion, Harry resumed his hold around Draco's waist, and walked closely next to him all the way home. For his part, Draco was a good actor, and perfected the art of turning his body slightly towards Harry, leaning into his shoulder and giving the impression of a great intimacy between them.

Luckily for them, the distance of their friends prevented any of them noticing the slightly awkward silence between the two, which was more difficult to overcome.

They arrived back at their flat by about eleven 'o' clock. Hermione was giggling at something Sean had said, and the group practically stumbled through the door and into the living room.

"Can I get anyone a drink?" Draco asked, moving into the kitchen where he had noticed a bottle of wine earlier.

"Please," Ginny called before slumping on the sofa with Hermione. Harry sat on the other side of her, weary of the night, and hoping the others wouldn't be staying too long.

"Music..." Ron was muttering, looking through the CD rack, "can't do anything without music." His fingers closed on a Turin Brakes album and he shoved it into the player eagerly.

Draco, slipping smoothly into his character of host, returned before long with a bottle of red wine and some glasses which he had found in a cupboard. Setting them on the glass coffee table, he realised that he had nothing to open the wine with.

"Sit down, Draco," Ginny said, motioning for him to take the seat beside Harry, "I'll fetch a corkscrew." Draco sat down, a little reluctantly, and prodded Harry, who was sitting with his eyes closed, awake.

"What?" Harry asked.

"How long is this going to last?" Draco hissed, "I'm not sure how long we can keep fooling them."

"I know," said Harry, "but I'm sure it won't be much longer." Draco sat back, unappeased, whilst Harry saw Ron's keen eyes trained upon them. It was a minute before Ron voiced whatever it was that was on his mind, though.

"Look," he said, with a slightly apologetic tone, "I know you think I love it when you do, but have you guys been fighting? You've seemed really...cold with each other all evening."

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