What if you told them you were pregnant (Last Part)

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You were walking around the kitchen while listening to a rather catchy song, Nice by Seventeen. You got bored while waiting for the cake you made to be finish. Half way through the song the oven goes off you take out the oven.

You listen to it on repeat because why not, you make the icing as the cake cools off. You were making a plain white cake. It was going to have a special message on it.

You were trying your very best to be too crazy while dancing, you didn't want to risk anything, I mean, you were about a month and a half pregnant.

Kuroo was coming home after a month of volleyball training over in the states, you were making a cake for his coming home and a way to tell he was going to be a father. You were engaged to him, pregnant before you're married, but oh well.

There was going to be a coming home party at your guy's house, you have three hours until Kuroo comes home and five hours until everyone else shows up. You wanted the cake to be perfect.

It's two and a half hours later, your doctor, who was Daichi, who was also your friend, took the cake and will bring it back when the party starts.

You had a quick shower, aired out the house, put a nice dress on, and waited in the living for your fiancé.  You paced back and fourth checking your phone every two seconds. Kuroo came home about a month and a half ago, maybe longer, it was only a short visit since he was there two months before hand.

You look out the window to see a cab pull up, your loved one get out. You smile and run out of the house. He chuckles and gives you as hug and kiss. 

"I missed you so much!" You cried as you pulled away from his arms. He smiles and pushes your hair out of your face.

After that you both got ready for the party, ordering pizzas, getting a lot of soda, snacks. You even double checked that the cake was alright. 

Kuroo smiles at you, he watches every move. He takes it all in, he can't wait to see what you look like pregnant, he's always wanted to be a father. You are wearing a very baggy dress so he can't see that little baby bump forming.

You walk around the living room waiting for friends to arrive, also the pizza. He smiles at you as you do so.

After all of your friends arrive, and Daichi with the cake, you didn't let anyone look at it, Daichi didn't even look at it, it's because it was a masterpiece, he may know that you're pregnant but you didn't allow him to see it. You became a baker, all your sweets made Kuroo fall head over heels with you. After figuring out he had a sweet tooth, you left him sweets every morning.

When you said it was desert time everyone cheered, everyone also fell in love with baking.

"Okay, guys, please close your eyes, I worked very hard on it, I've been up since 4 this morning making it." You have tears in your eyes, you knew he wanted to be a father, he may have not verbally told you but you know, you know by how he acted with your sister's twin girls.

They all close their eyes, you make sure no one is peeking and you reveal the cake. "On the count of three you can open them!"




You look at your Tetsu and his eyes widen, seeing the message on the cake he looks at you and his eyes start to water. He picks you up and twirls you around, you giggle and place a kiss on his lips. "I'm going to be a dad!" He says with glory. Everyone smiles taking pictures of you two and the cake because you did a magnificent job...

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