chapter 1- Dean

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"Hey Dean!" Sam says. It's six in the morning and I have to be up early for my new job. I am not enjoying it, I think to myself. Sam, on the other hand, is awake and perky, drinking his stupid grass-smoothie or whatever it is.

"Its to early for this Sammy. Why are you up already? Your school doesn't start 'till ten," I mumble in my half-asleep state. "I gotta get me some coffee."

"I'm always up this early. You're just never up to notice it." Sam sasses, his hair flying as he whips around.

"Great for you, princess. All I want is some coffee." I keep going on with my morning routine, making my coffee and grabbing a toaster waffle. When I'm finally dressed and out the door, I dash to my car and speed down the road. I'm already late for work. Suddenly, a short, painful sting starts in my hand. I glance down at my hand to see no bug of any sort - just another paper cut. What my soulmate must do to endure this much pain on a daily basis is beyond me.

I pull into the auto and hardware store, "Hammer & Grease" where I got my job. I glance at the clock. It's seven on the dot. The shop owner, Bobby, walks past my car.

"Technically not late" I grin. Bobby gives me a glare.

"Alright, boy." He squints, eyeing me up and down. "Come on in, we've got work to do."

I get home a little after four and immediately head upstairs to take a shower. I'm covered in engine oil from working on a '64 Ford Cargo. My soulmate must be livid. As I'm re-dressing, I notice there is a note written on my arm. "Seriously?" was written neatly across my left arm. "I have a job, you know. What do you even do to get this all over yourself?" I grab a pen to respond. "What do you even do to get so many paper cuts?" I go to play on my phone, but the tickling feeling of a pen appears on my arm. I thought he had a job. How did he even respond this fast? I thought it would be at least an hour or two. "Touché" appears on my arm like magic. I haven't actually talked to my soulmate before. I was always too scared to try, although I've always wondered about the paper cuts. I swear he gets like thirty a day.

I nervously fiddle with my pen. Should I say more? I never have before, and this is really the first time that we've had a conversation. I wonder about them, but I've always had this fear. What if they hate me? I decide to dance with fate and take a chance for once. "What's your name?" I scribble in my not-so-neat hand writing. Again, like magic, writing appears on my arm. "Castiel. And you?" I take a minute and look their name up on my phone.

Castiel is a biblical angel known as "The Angel of Thursdays." The name's meaning is "my cover is God" and is believed to come from Hebrew origins. The roots of the word are "cad, cas, cid" and means "to fall". The suffix -iel means "of or from god". Thus, his name would mean "to fall from God" But, this is up to debate because "my cover is God" is Hebrew and Castiel is believed to come  from Hebrew origins and "to fall from God" is of Latin origins.

"Angel of Thursdays huh?" I scribble. "Hello angel of Thursdays. I'm Dean." I mock. Yet again his neat script is engraved on my skin. "Hello Dean." Curiosity pushes through my nerves. I want to know more about this "Castiel".

We spoke for another hour, finding out little things about one another. I found out he has blue eyes and loves books. Which explains the paper cuts. I now know he works at a book store, but the name was smudged out. The only reason we stopped was because he needed dinner. I can't stop thinking about what his blue eyes must look like.

My day dreaming was interrupted by Sam entering our apartment. I rush down the stairs. I almost fall over because they're wooden and I'm wearing super manly fuzzy socks.

"Sammy! Sammy! you won't believe it! Guess what happened!" I shout with excitement, practically running into him.

"You quit your caffeine addiction?" Sam scoffs.

"Nope! but thanks for reminding me. I haven't had a coffee all day." I blurt, still running on my adrenaline high.

"I talked to my soulmate" I grin. Sam raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Really" He inquires? "What's her name?" My excitement halts to a stop.

"Uh" I scramble for a way to tell him.

"You didn't forget to ask did you?" He humors.

"No that's- that's not it" I take a deep breath. "Listen Sammy. I uh, I haven't been completely honest with you. You see, the thing is, my soulmate isn't a girl. uh, Sammy I'm- I'm gay" I wince at the last word, waiting for the backlash.

"I knew it! Charlie owes me thirty bucks!" he hollers, jumping out of the room. I stand there in the middle of the kitchen. I'm so confused. What just happened?

"Sam!" I shout up the stairs.

"What Dean? I'm getting my thirty bucks out of Charlie. She doesn't believe me. She thought you wouldn't admit it until next year." he shouts "Come up stairs I got to prove it to her. I groan but head upstairs. I can't believe they were betting on me coming out.

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