chapter 3- Dean

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     Sammy and I are headed out to dinner with Charlie. Apparently a phone call with Sam saying that I admitted to being gay and me saying it into the phone to her was not enough and she needed physical proof of my gayness. We've just sat down at the crappy diner when Charlie dashes in.

     "Hey Sam and the one that may make me give up thirty dollars." She rushes through her sentence, still out of breath. "So is it true? Are you really gay?" I sigh.

    "Yes Charlie, I really am gay." I admit. I have no fear admitting this to Charlie, after all she is gay too.

     "I knew it!" she shouts louder than expected. This catches the attention of the whole diner. Charlie's face flushes in embarrassment.

     "Sorry!" She says quietly then sits down in our little booth.

    After some small talk over fries involving Charlie throwing a pride flag at me, we head home after promising a meeting tomorrow for further discussion. I unlock the apartment door and stumble in, the pride flag still wrapped around my shoulders. With a stomach full of pie it's not hard to fall asleep.

   I awake around six yet again, still in my clothes (and pride flag) from the night before. I jump in the shower, grab a quick breakfast and head to work, on time I might add. I think I may need to discuss something with Bobby about my job in the auto shop.

     I step into the shop, safety goggles in hand. Most people believe that I only have a degree in mechanical engineering but I went to Lawrence Community Collage and got a bachelors in mechanical engineering and construction techniques. I spoke to Bobby about my soulmate not enjoying the whole engine-oil-thing and he let me switch from the auto shop to the hardware section. Normally Bobby would have people looking for a job or an apprenticeship in that department go through training and an evaluation but he deemed my degree an acceptable replacement.

     As I walk in for my first day in the hardware department the manager slides in on a rolling cart. The manager's name is Ash. Ash has a mullet and is an absolute genius. He never makes a cut wrong and makes the hardware department run like clock work. 

     "Hey Dean." Ash says, still rolling past in the rolling cart. "Welcome to the hardware department." He continues to slide by on the cart rolling to a stop right in front of the saws. He grabs a piece of wood off the cart and starts sawing. I continue to stand there in astonishment for a second then move forward. That was weird, but that's Ash.

     I spend the day making some shelves for a bookstore near by called "Stacks". (Shout out to @angelwingsandthings for sparking this idea. Go check out her book It's Complicated after you read this) It took awhile to make the shelves but it was totally worth it to see three, seven foot tall masterpieces, with a simple design forming the top. I'm sure the owner will love it. After that I start sanding and staining a piece of wood for a coffee table. I can't help but wonder what Castiel would like for his book store. Does he need shelves too? or a platform for a reading nook. Maybe he needs a table too. How I fell in love so quickly due to sloppy notes written on our arms is well beyond me.

     The hardware department let's out a little later than the auto shop so I start heading back home around five. I'm covered in saw dust and the machines they have to blow it off didn't do much. Now my baby is covered in saw dust but hey, it's better than a pissed of soulmate. I take a quick shower and dress in a band tee and jeans for dinner with Charlie (again!).

     After some small talk, which luckily didn't bring up my soul mate. we start discussing Charlie's job at a little book store in town.

     "How's your job at Blue's going?" I ask Charlie. "Any new reads?"

    "Yeah, any new books!" Sam questions excitedly.

     "There are some that came in today wanna go check it out? The store closes at nine." Charlie invites.

     "Yes! We want to go!" Sam exclaimed. Sam loves books. When he isn't studying for becoming a lawyer at Harvard, he is reading books on mythology. He soaks up information like a sponge. When we were kids I used to catch him reading at night all the time. 

    "You would, you nerd. I guess I'll go with you two. Mainly because Charlie walked and we drove and I would have no way home." I sigh. "and because I need to know what happens after the cliff hanger. I shouldn't of let you show me that book." I add on quickly. 

     "Here we are" Charlie chirped as we pulled into the book store. A sign hung above the cozy hole-in-the-wall place that read "Blue's". It s written fancily in a faded teal with a worn olive green background that gave the place a homey look. The place had a classic window in the front with "Blue's" painted again but this time in black script. The place could have been a storefront straight out of the 1950's. Charlie opens the door and we follow her in to the cozy little shop.

     "Welcome to Blue's" Charlie chimes. "Ay Cassie where you at?" Charlie hollers into the store.

     "Charlie!" A soft voice shouts from within the book shelves. "I thought you went home alrea- Who's this?" A shorter man appears from behind the shelves, holding a book. He has black-rimmed glasses on and I can see blue eyes peering from behind them. On top of his head is a black mass of fur with blue eyes that mirror their owner's. "Oh, sorry about Blue. Blue is a very 'special' cat." He apologizes, removing the cat from atop his head. Underneath the cat is fluffy black hair that is sticking every which way. He walks forward and shakes our hands "Welcome to Blue's. I'm Castiel."

     Time freezes for a second and my heart starts racing. I only know of one other Castiel and he is my soulmate.

     "Hiya Castiel. I'm Dean. Dean Winchester."

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