Chapter 3

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(This Chapter does contain a trigger warning so I am truly sorry (last paragraph). Besides this enjoy.

Joint PC soon finished and Mrs. Harley kept taking her time explaining how she got engaged to her boyfriend. To be honest I think some of us nearly fell asleep due to lack of interest, we were soon allowed to go and I had Media class next and I was on my own. I walked straight to my class because I really didn't need any books but I bought one anyway and like really Mr. Philp had already told us last term that we were putting a short animation together for our assignment.

I walked down the hall and got to class being the first one there, I stood near the door with my book hugged to my chest as I leaned up against the wall. I was caught up in my own world staring into space when I saw James walk past, I was about to wave when I saw Ben and Dennis on either side of him. I quickly put my hand down and looked down at the floor to try and hide my identity. I glanced up to see if they were gone and when I looked up I saw them a few steps in front of me. I let out a sigh as I watched them fade out into the distance, I was soon disturbed when the bell rang and I didn't notice that a few more students showed up and so did Mr. Philip. I straightened my posture and walked inside to the furthest computer in the corner of the room.

I looked behind me as I took my seat and my eyes widened when I saw Ava and she looked cheery and I wasn't surprised. She probably found someone else to screw herself over, I saw her take a seat near Chloe who honestly I hated and she was one hell of a bitch.

"So Ava what did you get up to yesterday evening?" I heard Chloe ask with a fake tone of interest. "Oh well I went around the town with Fredrick the hottest Jock on the touch rugby team and then we went back to his house and things from there got hot" she said with a smirk. I peeked over my shoulder and say her twirling her hair around her finger and she was tapping her foot against the desk, I scoffed in response like seriously wasn't cheating on Jack enough.

"Really wow what a night" said Chloe averting her eyes and trying to look away, "Anything else?" asked Chloe biting her bottom lip. "we fooled around and like honestly he is such a good kisser" I heard her boast, I felt like vomiting at the sound of her words because they were just disgusting and no one would be surprised if she got pregnant.

Half way through the lesson I had finished my work early and was just listening to music on my phone when I looked to see Mr. Harold the head of our year level standing at the door and he didn't look too happy. I rested my head down on the desk and saw Mr. Philip exit the room to speak to him.

I soon felt someone tap me on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw Chloe standing over me, my face scrunched up in disgust as I looked at her "what do you want you whore?" I scoffed. She looked at me with the same expression and I gave her a death glare, "Look and listen bitch I'm came here to get away from the slut of our grade" she said poking out her tongue. I rolled my eyes and sighed "and who says you aren't so you two should get along nicely" I said in a smart tone. "Whatever" she said before walking away, I sighed in relief once she was gone because I felt like I was choking while she was around me.

Class soon finally finished and next up was History class and I had to deal with Ms. Falcon who was very enthusiastic about learning about ancient Egypt. I was excited as well mainly because I always found it to interesting. We were in class for a double lesson and I didn't really mind considering this year History was an elective. It wasn't until I took a second glance and I saw Chloe, Cyrus, Maggie, Lenny and Quinn almost the whole squad of them turn up. 'Oh no now I hate my life' I thought to myself and I gripped a hold of my chair.

I took my seat next to Taylor and Newt and I was sitting in the middle so that Chloe and the others couldn't see me but it was too late for that. "Eww the bitch and ugly special person is here" I heard Chloe address and I knew she meant me, I felt tears well up but I prevented them from being noticeable and falling.

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