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ruined in seconds

without a gun or any weapons

but with words

four words.

that exposed you

and showed you off

for what you are

ripped off the mask you'd been hiding behind

for who knows how long now

though you were the one who was hiding

i was the one who was hurt

my world shattered around me

all because of a few words

and thats all it takes really.

you dont need weapons or knives and tools for torture

torture can be achieved with words

you can crush someone with words

send them on a one way trip to damnation

with but a few letters arranged in a specific way

it crumples up their word and throws it in the dustbin

to be forgotten by time and taken out to the dump

with all the other worlds that you crushed and shattered.

you can say your apologies a hundred times over

but that wont forgive what you've done

that wont rid my body of the scars you beat it with

that wont seal my cuts or clean the bad blood between us

i used to love you

now i tolerate your very existence

i refuse to share a smile with you

i will not share my acomplishments

for they are mine and mine alone

i can share them with whoever i want

and i decide

not to share them with you

A Collection of Poems: Perfect Poisons and Exquisite EcstasiesWhere stories live. Discover now