Chapter 1

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     As the second naked man ran through the hotel lobby, the phone started ringing it's old familiar tune. I answered with the response that has been drilled in my brain over the past few years, "Hi, this is the Isadell Hotel. My name's Phoebe Ross. How can I help you today?" 

      "Yes, my name's Sydney O'Brian. I was calling to check on my reservation for room 5D?", said the phone.

       "Ok, I have your reservation for 4:00 Saturday afternoon," I answered, meanwhile, watching two other employees chasing the naked man into the elevator, hopefully leaving the lobby for good. 

      "Sounds good, thank you. Have a good day." I returned the sentiments said before hanging up the phone.

        It was the end to another typical Thursday night here at the Isadell Hotel. And by a typical night, I mean an insane night. I had three groups trying to get a room saying that they were guests (when the obviously weren't), two other people scale down the outside wall from their rooms "just for the fun of it", now two guest who insisted on running around the lobby completely naked, and that wasn't even the half of it. It had been a long night and I was ready to leave. Just as I started to get my stuff together to leave, I saw my friend and coworker Raven walk around the corner.

     "Hey, Ron wants to talk to you for a few minutes in his office." Ron's the manager so it makes sense that he wanted to see me but it was late at night and I had no idea what he wants.

      "What for?", I asked. 

       She replied, "Not sure, but there was a bunch of people in his office. It seemed pretty serious."

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        As I walked down the hallway to Ron's office, I heard people talking. I opened the door to see Ron and someone else, who I couldn't really see since his back was turned to me.

     "Phoebe, please come in," said Ron who was still looking at the person in front of him. "Sean this is Phoebe Ross. She's one of the hotel's most promising employees. She's been here for five years."

      He continued. "Phoebe, this is Sean Hough. We just hired him. I'd like for you to show him around a bit."

       At that moment, the person across from Ron turned around. Now, I wouldn't say that he was handsome. He looked like the typical victim that Ron would hire. Like most of the other employees the kid looked like the kind of wallflower who no one would notice. He was just, sorta there. There was nothing really special in the way he looked or even how he dressed.

"We'll start him out at the front desk with you tomorrow morning. He moves in tomorrow." said Ron concluding our little meeting.

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      At 7o'clock the next morning, Raven and I walked down to the lobby. "Sooo, what was that meeting about?" she asked.

     "Ron has some new guy he wants me to train at the front desk. His names Sean Hough. He actually looks like the typical employee." 

       "So he has brown hair and blue eyes?" 

        "Of course." As we reach the lobby, we part ways. Raven works in the candy stand.

         I reach the front desk and immediately see the new kid. He looked a little bored. We can't have that. "Ok, are you ready?"

         A little surprised, he responds "Sure, I guess."

      "So, the hotel has three typical kinds of customers. First we have the " tourists". The Isadell Hotel is located in the city of Reamen, which is known for having the most bipolar weather in the world. It can be snowing in the middle of 90 degree heat one day, perfect weather the next, and freezing temperatures the day after that. Then we have the "normies". People who aren't really tourists but they're usually just from the local area. The normies are usually the craziest. If you have someone scaling down the walls of the hotel, it's usually a normie. Then you have the disguised celebrities. Right now the Isadell Hotel is a popular destination for celebrities. Most don't just go to the hotel just like normal. Most try to do intricate disguises. We once had Will Smith stay at the hotel as a white woman named "Sarah Goodling"."

       Confused, he said, "Ummm, how does that work exactly?" 

       "Well a lot of the celebrities have professional stylist who will style them to look like anything they want. Usually, we don't even know what celebrities are here until we take stuff to their rooms. Speaking of rooms, as you know all the staff actually stays here at the hotel. It's considered to be a benefit of the job, but most of the staff thinks it's just so we don't have a life outside of work. We are not considered guests of the hotel, even when we're not working. Don't be surprised if even on your free time, a guest stops by your room to ask you to run an errand. You're on call at all times. After all, the customer is always right."


Author's Note

Hi, readers. This is a new story that I started that I think could get pretty interesting. The first chapter might not seem like much but it'll get better I promise. So enjoy you're reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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