Whats wrong with me ?

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Ever since I saw that boy stalking me every body has been so mad at me I mean hate is a strong word but they kinda do hate me meh I've noticed all the girls really hate me I mean REALLY REALLY HATE ME well I found out that cute boy's name wait whoops who  said CUTE????????☺️😳cause I certainly didn't say that but forget about that the boy's  name is...........Wait What's his name?oh yeah Aidan yep that's his name my friends found that out  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah one of friends name is Riley she's shy another one of my friends name is Julia is the funny one Danny is the artist Mellissa is the serious one and jj pffft he' Danny's little bro he's practically a joke but sometimes he's funny like...once we were singing down by the bay and he would say ticcy ticcy ticcy tic toc toc toc heh still funny 😝😆XD yeah but they told me Aidan's name and there my 5 bffs well 4 bffs but I'm still confused why the whole school is mad at me like WHY ME a little mad about today At lunch my friends weren't at school nobody wanted to sit with me except a boy that doesn't talk for some reason he kinda reminds me of the popular kid wait he reminds me of that stalking kid yeah I'm just confusing myself well my life just keeps getting worse I don't know what to do I don't know what I've gotten myself into I'm just so confused i don't know what to do what to say WHAT DO I DO?????????????????????is my life trash what is my life I wonder?i never jinx myself by saying " This is the worst day ever "😣☹️🙁😕😔😖😫😩😞😟😒🙃😑😐sadly it is the worst day ever rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr 😥and its not the best day ever 😒I wish that it was the best dayyyyy!!!!!!!EVERRRRRR!!! Hopefully it a little better tomorrow yeah I'm gonna make every thing good no matter what!🤓🙂😊😃All my friends SHOUTED YEAH YOU COULD DO IT when they came back well Riley whispered youuuu can d-do I-it yayyyyyy of course she whispered I believed in my self of course tipical me 😇after school I went home told my parents how bad of a day it was in fact how bad every day was but I did tell them one good thing that tomorrow will be the best day everrrrrrrrr my parents giggled and said nice joke I said I wasn't joking 😒😐😑😐😑😐😑 they stopped giggling "seriously",IT WILLLL BE TH BEST DAY EVER I SCREAMED (Btw it was so loud no joke so loud so loud SO LOUD SO LOUD VERY LOUD )my parents stood there so mad at there selfs VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MAAAAAADDDDD! REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY MAD LIKE VERY MAD SOOOOOO MAD while I was just there watching XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD. At noon I went to the park and I noticed that no one was staring at me strange i thought Julia was playing another prank or a jump scare or something I was wrong I mean no afence but she's really really bad at hiding or am I wrong nope I right XDDDDDDD LOLL ! Sooooooo bad at hiding so bad but she wasn't prancing  me well no she is (poop💩)  .The next morning  I woke I yawned I got ready for school my parents said have a great  day of school my friends motavated me I felt fresh and new ready for school😏

Arthur's note
I know I only wrote 611 But I didn't want to spoil it all for you please don't leave hate comments for my spelling

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When The Sun FallsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora