Danger Days Tour {Frank}

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Danger days x_x

"Frank" I whispered to him and he looked up at me from the paper he was writing music on "Yeah?" I put my hand on his shoulder "Come back to bed, I can't sleep" he nodded "I'll be there in a minute honey, go back to sleep" I shook my head and leaned my back against the desk. I softly moved the paper away from him and he furrowed his eyebrows "You haven't slept in days Frank, please just come with me so we can sleep, you're exhausted" he raised a hand "I-I'm fine {y/n}". But he wasn't, ever since the band released their new album he hadn't slept, he told me that Gerard was considering that this was the last tour they would ever go on together and I could see that it was tearing away at him a little bit. It honestly hurt me to see my husband so upset about this "Honey, please, come to bed, for me, we can talk about it if you want" he slowly stood up, nearly falling over, I held him up and we walked upstairs together. I sat him on the bed with a grunt "You may be tiny, but you're heavy as hell" I murmured to him, making him smile a little bit. I sat next to him and leaned his head onto my shoulder "Okay, go ahead, I'm here to listen".

He took my hand softly and squeezed it "I'm scared {y/n}, I'm scared that we'll never go on tour again, what else is Gee thinking?" He started, I could see the sadness building in his eyes and I squeezed his hand a little "Bandit's been a handful for him, and everything with Mikey, it's just so difficult on everybody right now, what if we break up? I don't know what I'd do" I made him look at me, running a hand through his long hair. "Then you make your own band Frank, make your own music, just write whatever you want, and if the band breaks up, so what? You'll still be Gerard's best friend, and Mikey's and Ray's, it'll all work out and I'll be here, I promise".

He brought me into a sleepy kiss, "I love you so much" he said each word slowly, like it would heal me "I love you more than you think" I hugged him and sighed "Sleep, come on" he raised his hands "Alright alright" he got into the bed with me, shutting the light off and staring at me, the moonlight hitting his face perfectly. "You're the best wife ever" I nodded and kissed his cheek "Yes I know" he smiled and curled into my side slightly "And you're the best husband ever" he fell asleep in my arms, I watched him for a little while before passing out myself.

I know this is short but if you could request???

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