Chapter one

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Today is a weird day. I don't remember waking up, dressing, brushing my hair, etc. I don't remember the car ride to school or any of first period. Now, band is unusually weird. Mr. Saler isn't talking, and everyone else is just stiff as a rock. Thats when the gun came into my view.

I didn't know what to think as I turned around to see a boy with a dark cloak behind me. His left hand held a silver shotgun, its cold tip pushed up against my head. I froze, not daring to even blink.

Mr. Saler stood up, obvious fear trembling inside him.

"Who are you? You know you can't bring guns to school, kid."

The boy turned away from me.

Then, a large boom sent Saler to the ground. I peered over to see a gaping hole in his forehead, right between both eyes. Thats when the chaos erupted.

Screaming kids were ducking and hiding behind chairs and drums as constant gunfire was heard. I cringed every time someone fell to the ground, crying out in pain. 

Marina, the eighth grader who sat next to me, whispered something uncomprehendable, then grabbed my wrist. She yanked me away from where we were hiding into Saler's office. I peered over her shoulder to see everyone in my row here with me, their eyes bulging out of their heads in fear. 

Once away from the constant screaming, we cried out in pain as we counted who were left. Emily, Stewart, and Ryan were all missing, probably wounded inside.

"I'm going back. I can't leave them like this!" I screamed out in pain, thinking about how much they all meant to me.

As I stepped up to go to the door, a hand caught my arm.

"You can't do this. It's suicide!" Bridget screamed.

I yanked my hand away, but froze as I glared out the window into the room.

"Dammit! What the hell?! It's Rodger!"

"Get down!" Someone whispered from behind me.

I crouched back down beside Cassidy, Marina, Kayla, and Bridget. Redgen sat beside me.

I can't believe it! My own bandmate killed so many inncoent people, that didn't do anything to deserve his harsh actions.

"I'm going to bring him in here so he can explain all of this crap to us!" Jacob called from behind me.

"Jacob! No!" I turned around and flung my arms around him in a lame attempt to stop him.

He studdered back in suprise, then smiled. "Uh, hi, Kaitlyn.. I'll be right back."

The door flung open, and he was gone.

I was torn. How could someone be so cruel to us?

A pair of hands were draped over my shoulders, and I saw the face of Redgen smile her crooked smile down at me.

"It will all be over soon. Try to smile."

I turned around to smile to my friends who had survived. Mascara was running down most of the girls' faces, but they all smiled.

As soon as I felt comfortable, almost happy, my regin of joy ended.

The door flew open and Sam waltzed in with a giant chain saw in his hands - I have no clue how he got it - and threatened to use that bad boy on anyone who didn't shut up.

I froze in fear. Jacob was next to him, holding ducktape.

All of my friends trembled beside me. I heard a sharp rip and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground, my hands taped together behind my back and my legs tangled together. A shadow moved across my face, and then I felt ducktape press my cold lips. 

Besides the obvious embarassment I should have been feeling, I was angry. Nothing made sense today! Somehow, Rodger aquired a shotgun, Samo found a chainsaw, and I was gagged by my friends! Everyone besides me were all gagged as well. Only one emotion radiated back and forth between us.

It was pure terror. 


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