Chapter two

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As we exited the classroom, I saw wounded kids lay lifeless on the ground. I choked back a sob as I passed Kelsey, one of my good friends. She lay over her drumset, a mallet in one hand. Blood was splattered everywhere.

We were led up a steep hillside - I don't know how we got there, our school isn't on a hill - and then Rodger started to explain why we were here, Jacob and Sam on either side of him, a step back.

"Why we are all here is because we are hated by our school. Our principal dispises us, and we need to take revenge on their puny little school that we used to attend."

I cleared my throat, "Uhm, used to attend?"

Rodger seemed to take suprise to my question. "Well you seriously didn't expect to go back, after all of that," he waved his hand in the air, overlooking the distressed school, "Did you?"

I blushed. It was true, even though I had no part in this, I was there. I didn't stop him from killing our poor band teacher. I didn't stop him from shooting innocent people. The images flooded back into my mind. I frowned, and shook my head.

"Good. Now, as I was saying, we need to take revenge on our old school. We need to attack, this little 'stunt' wasn't good enough. We can't just kill off some band students. This needs to be big! To show how much power we really have! Does anyone have any ideas?"

I shot a distressed look over at Cassidy. She was just as scared as I was, but she nodded at me. I had no clue what that meant. Then, she raised her hand.

Rodger let Jacob step foward.

"I'll be in charge of the planning of the attack. Yes, Cassidy?"

She stood up, brushing some dirt off her pants.

"What I think we should do is a team effort. It will be extremely difficult, but I think we're up for the challenge." She winked at us. "Lets not only kill the kids, lets kill the whole staff too! We can blow up the whole building! The school board will definatly be afraid of us then. But in order to go through with this magnificant plan, there are a few favors we will need."

Dammit! What was she saying? Was it a plan? The wink and the nod? What's going to happen?

Jacob raised his hand to silence our quiet murmers. I didn't even realize I was asking these questions aloud to Kayla.

"Cassidy, I think that is a great plan. But you know that the favors must be reasonable."

She smiled, "Of course, Jacob. The favors are very small, but there are a few. Firstly, we will need some money for each of us to eat and drink. You don't want us to starve, or you won't have any army!" 

"Oh yes, of course. Anything else?"

"We will need some amunition and some basic supplies if we are going to be camping out here. Each of us should have our own gun, and plenty of bullets."


"And finally, we will need some free reign to seek out how to do our attack. Also, I think everyone here is terrorized by what has just happened, so they will need some time and space to think about what they will be doing. You want the army to be in the best condition possible, no?"

Jacob scruntched his face. "Uh, yes. Cassidy, with your significant skill, I think we should put you in charge of the attack. Do you agree to draw our map and plans for our attack?"

"Oh, yes, Jacob. I would be delighted to."

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