New School

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This story contains scenes of self harming and sexual content. Read at your own risk!

Jacob stood in front of the new school that he would be attending and took a deep breath.

'Ok I can do this. Just calm down'

He thought to himself as students started to walk past him into the building. He noticed that they were watching him just stare at the building, but he was to nervous to really care. He wasn't worried about school at all though. He felt confident that he would do fine.

What he was really worried about was if anyone would find out his secret that drove him out of his last school.

As he thought about his previous school he felt a cold hand cup his shoulder.

"Hey, you lost newbie?" Jacob jumped and turned around to face the person talking to him. He had a leather jacket, a plain red t-shirt, and jeans on.

"Oh, actually I'm looking for the front office." Jacob said staring into the stranger's beautiful hazel colored eyes.

He smirked. "Down the hall to your right." The boy then walked past him and stopped a few feet away, back still turned. "Stay out of trouble and be careful." Then he was gone.

"Wait. Be careful of what?" Jacob turned around but saw that the boy was  gone.

That boy... Something feels familiar about him. But what? Jacob stood there for awhile trying to figure out what was familiar with him but couldn't. Just as he gave up it started to rain.

"Great. The one day I forget my umbrella." Jacob hurried and got inside the building just as the rain picked up. He looked around the hallway and saw Halloween decorations everywhere and sighed.

For some reason, ever since he was little, he hated Halloween. He always felt that if he did something wrong, people would find out who he really was.

A monster, a freak, a danger to the people around him.

Jacob followed the directions that the boy gave him. As he entered the office he saw a man with a receding hairline behind the counter.

The man looked up at him, smiling. "Hello, are you looking for someone?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Uh,no. I'm Jacob Black." He said, turning slightly red.

"Oh, Jacob the new student here. Hold on a minute." The man got up and walked over to another desk stacked with papers. He shuffled the papers around until he found the ones he was looking for.

"Here you go son," He handed him a schedule and a hall pass. "and welcome to Forks High school." He said smiling.

Hey guys. I just want to say thanks to MalangeMalum for helping me with the idea of this and the upcoming chapters. This is my first time, but don't be afraid to tell me what you think. Thanks and sorry that this chapter is short. I didn't know how to make it go on.

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