Chapter Eight.

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Jack's P-O-V

It was already time. The sun is already setting and the night is already taking over. My life would be uncertain if I am going to face the nightmares alone. The guardians promised me to back up but I doubt that. It is not in the plan but I am asking them to guard Elsa while I am talking to the bad guys.
Anna lured her sister going to the mall and have some "quality time" with her while Kristoff stayed with me. He is going to be with me when we face them.
I now realize how stupid my plan is and how I am in a great danger. Stupid useless Jack in the house.
Kristoff is the one driving me going to the meeting place. I looked at the window.

"You okay Dude?" He asked,  his eyes on the dark road.

I nodded.  "Yep. I am just thinking about what will happen. "

"Don't worry Jack.  I will back you up." He smiled. "Actually,  I think that your plan is great but there are loopholes."

"Like what?" I enquired.

"What if they surround us all of a sudden?" He said. "What if they would abduct you instead?"

I snorted.  "I hope they won't. I am not their target."

"What if you are?"

"It's impossible."

"I am just stating possibilities Jack."

I sighed.  He has some point but I am doing this for Elsa but what if they knew I am going to do this?  What if I am their target?
I shook it off and shrugged at Kristoff's statement. I guess I shouldn't have done this but this is all I need to do.

A moment of silence filled the air and I stared at nothing but the dull road in front of us. I shivered by the different images popping in my mind about the possibility of my death tonight but I am not ready to leave her alone. Not yet.

The car pulled into a stop and Kristoff sighed.

"We are here." He announced. 
I open the door of the car and looked around. Why do it have to be an abandoned places? I look back at Kristoff it he just nod and we started walking around.
The fog make it harder for us to see the surroundings so we just stick together while walking.
I can feel my heart beating crazily with fear. I don't want to be a coward today but guess what,  I am afraid.
I am still looking around and waited for someone to talk or to laugh at our foolishness of coming here but none of that came. Only the eerie silence filled the air. It's uncomfortable and creepy at the same time.

"Uuhh. Kristoff?" I said but no one answered.  I looked around again and saw that I am already alone. That made me feel rigid and nervous. I started positioning on defense while glancing at Every direction I can until something hard hit my head and I blacked out.


Elsa's P-O-V

we just came home from shopping but no one else is at home,  not even Kristoff. I can feel something is wrong that something is going to happen but I just ignored it.
Anna is acting strange in the whole day of us spending time together but I guess she is just having relationship issue with Kristoff.
Anna sent hurriedly to her room to put the shopping bags away and I did the same.

Anna smiled at me. "Want to cook dinner?"

I nodded.  "Sure."

We went to the kitchen and prepare the ingredients.  I keep glancing at Anna who seems to be worried and pacing back and forth like something is going on.

"Anna. Are you okay?" I asked.

She gave me a forced smile. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?  I mean,  we have been having so much fun in the mall and stuff and I got to cook dinner with you and this lovely outfits and I am so going to use them-"

I glared at her.  "Tell me what's wrong Anna!"
She acts like this if she is nervous or something is up or she is keeping something from me.

She Sighed. "This is all part of the plan that Jack made Elsa."

I looked at her,  puzzled.  "What do you mean?"

"Jack is going to meet up with the nightmares tonight Elsa." She whispered. "They should be back now but I am afraid something is wrong."

"WHAT??!!" I shouted.  "Why didn't you tell me that?!"

"It's Jack's instruction not to tell you." She answered.  "He wants to keep you safe."

"They might be in trouble! " I said as I put my phone from my pocket and dialed his number.  I can feel something is wrong. I am as nervous as hell. It keeps me stuck with voice messages.

"Jack is not answering!" I said but keeps trying.

Anna sighed.  "I can't reach Kristoff as well."

I went to my room and grab the locator form my bag. I searched for Jack but sadly he is not been located because the signal is being muddled up. Not again.
The Dot is still blinking indicating that he is still alive.
I went back downstairs to see Anna keeps dialing using her phone.

"Any news?" I asked

She shook her head. "Kristoff is not answering." I can feel the tears spilling from my eyes. I am worried sick for Jack. I am not going to live if I found out that the nightmares will kill him.

"I am going to find you Jack."

I Own Her (JELSA) (sequel of I CLAIM HIM) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now