Chapter 2

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You yawn as you check the time. 7:30. Waiting sure is boring. You absent-mindedly twirl a strand of your hair around a claw as you debate on whether you should change or not. You decide not to. Clothes aren't really a big deal to you, and you decide you should at least brush your hair. You run a brush through it, and cringe when a bristle catches your ear. Once it's brushed, you think about what you can do to make time pass.

A painful 30 minutes later, 8:00 arrives. And sure enough, there's a knock at your door. You trot over to open it, and see Marshall standing there. He smiles. "Hey Kitty!" You laugh. "Hey yourself!" He smirks and extends a hand. "C'mon, Let's go!" You raise an eyebrow as your ears prick forward. "You gonna tell me where we're going yet?" He shakes his head. "Nope." You roll your eyes and take his hand, making you blush. He wraps a hand around your waist, and takes off into the night.

You yelp and cover your eyes. "What's wrong Kitty?" Marshall asks, concern laced in his voice. "I-I'm scared of h-heights." You stammer, your ears flat against your head. "It's better if you open your eyes, you know." He says. Your grip tightens around his neck as you shake your head. "Okay Kitty. Suit yourself."

A few minutes later, he taps your shoulder. "We're here." You open an eye, and your arms fall back down to your sides. "It's beautiful." You mutter. "Never been to the Candy Kingom, huh?" He asks, and you shake your head. "Nope." He smirks. "Let me take you inside, M'lady." He says in a British Accent. You giggle and reply, "Of course, Kind Sir." He leads you inside, and leads you to a blonde-haired girl with a cat. "Kitty, this is Fionna."

The pointer finger's nail turns into a claw, and your tail frizzes at the name. "And this is Cake." He gestures to the cat. You muster a smile. "Hi Fionna, hi Cake." Cake examines you closely. "You okay Honey? Your tail is a frizzed up." You nod, and a guy dressed in all pink walks over. "Hello Fionna, hello Cake! Oh, Marshall. You're here." He says Marshall's name like it's something he found on the bottom of his shoe. He turns to you. "Who's this?" "Y/N." You growl. Your E/C eyes dart around, looking for an excuse to get away. "I'm gonna go get some punch." You finally decide.

You dart over to the punch bowl, and you strain your ears to hear the conversation between Marshall and the pink guy. "She's mine Gumwad, back off." Marshall growls. "She's anyone's Marshall." Gumwad replies. "Game on, Gumwad. Game on." Marshall says.

Yay! Next chapter! Yeah, yeah, I know it's not Sunday, but I didn't update LAST Sunday. Don't worry, I'll update this Sunday too! I'm glad you guys like this book. It's fun to write in. Luv you people!

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