Heart Skipped a Beat

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  • Dedicated to LittleCinnamon

<Silke’s Pov>

I open the window and see a small box wrapped with a tag on it.  I gently lift the box and close the window.  Sitting on my bed I slowly open the tag on the box and read:  “Silke, Darling I know that you hate me.  I do apologize for everything and I hope that one day you can forgive me.  I am no longer hunting you in fact it’s been a few centuries since I stopped.  When your home burned down during the Salem trials I went to see if you had perished in this and found this.  I know that it will be useful as I know you have already received the trunk.  I hope I haven’t startled you and I hope one day we can become friends.  Always yours,


After reading the note I quickly rip the paper from the tiny box and lift its delicate lid.  Inside nestled in bright red tissue paper sits an very old but shiny trunk key.  Instantly I rush to the trunk and open it.  Pulling out all my grimwars I quickly check to be sure everything is still there and as it was when I thought I had lost my trunk.  Everything seems to be in order so I begin to repack my trunk and lock it up.  Nikolai walks down to the trunk and lifts it from my shaking arms.  “Allow me Silke.”  Then he carries it up to my room.  After setting the trunk in my walk in closet he turns and pulls me into an embrace, rubbing my back in slow circles to try and soothe me.  After a moment I ponder aloud: “why hasn’t he killed me?  What does he want, is he done is this really over?”  Crying again I lean into the crook of Nikolais neck and sob. 

After my sob fest I realize Nikolai has shut down he hands no longer move and his breathing has stopped.  I pull back and notice his eyes are black with tiny black veins underneath them.  I call out to him to try and help him move and recover.  None of my words reach his ears.  I slowly press my hand against his cheek.  He has begun to scare me.  I can see the inner fight going on and am unsure of what to do to help him come out of his trance.  He still doesn’t respond under my touch.  My wolf nudges me forward and my lips press against his cheek.  I hear his intake of breath and his hand trail up my back to my neck cupping my jaw and he turns my head to face him.

Before I have time to realize what he is doing his lips are on my, pressed hard like he needs to breath me in.  I don’t move.  His tongue presses against my bottom lip like he is asking for entrance but I’m too shocked to move.  My wolf is howling inside.  I do not understand why but she is happy.  Moments later she fills my mind and takes control of my body.  “Why have you waited so long?  She has needed you like this for over a century.  Do you not know how much she loves you?’  My wolf speaks aloud.  My hand claps against my mouth.  My wishful secret now revealed and I cannot take back her words.  His eyes flash a vibrant gold before his lips are on my again, and his hand cups the back of my head tilting my face towards his.  “OPEN” he growls against my lips and nips my bottom lip.  Feeling his teeth against my lip I gasp.  His tongue slides past my lips and curls at the roof of my mouth.  A moan escapes. 

<Nikolai’s pov>

          She calls to me.  My jealousy burns my veins.  After seeing how he looked at her, my mate.  He adored her.  I’ve yet to claim her but…  He loves her why?  I do not understand why after all these years he could look at her as though he loves her yet he has been chasing her for so long.  How could a man who murdered her family and attempted to murder her love her as much as his eyes showed?  It just makes no sense.

          Suddenly her hand gently caresses my cheek and I feel her eyes searching for something on my face.  Ever so gently almost like it never even really happened I feel her lips press delicately against my cheek.  This is all I need to snap out of my burning rage.  I run my hands up her back and neck and tilt her face up at me.  I cannot take this anymore I have to taste her lips; I have to know if she really is my mate if it’s just that I’m choosing her for one.  My lips crash against hers and her breath hitches.  She doesn’t move. I have shocked her I think. My wolf takes over and licks her bottom lip begging for a taste. Just one taste he has to know as much as I do.

          Suddenly she pulls back and her wolf takes over questioning me about why I had waited so long.  And if I knew that she loved me as much as she does.  I can tell she is shocked by her wolf as she slaps a hand over her mouth after gaining back control.  As soon as her tiny hand moves my mouth is back on hers again, my wolf uncontrolled.  “OPEN” I hear my wolf growl out against her mouth.  As soon as my teeth lightly grip her lip she gasps and I have an entrance and I take it.  My tongue enters her mouth and I lick the roof of her mouth.  As soon as my tongue touches hers a fight for dominance begins which I easily win.  Our mouths move in sync and my hands travel her body.  Her hormones smell magnificent and her taste is heavenly like cherries and chocolate

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