Chapter One

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"Hey, Selena, where's our next class?" Jessica asked as she walked up to me.

I checked my schedule.  "Ha, it's lunch time, Jess," I replied, trying as hard as I could not to laugh.

Jessica gave me a sheepish smile.  "Yeah, lunch.  So, how was science?" she asked me.

I shrugged.  "It was okay, I guess.  It got kinda gross when Instructor Smith told us how scientists used real humans to experiment.  Well, human embryos, that is.  But that's still basically a human," I explained, my stomach churning at the thought.  Who would be so cruel as to use human babies for experiments?

"Ew, yeah, talking about that is really gross...." Jessica said, making a disgusted face.

I sighed.  I got extremely queasy when instructors talked about human embryos, and basically anything that had to do with blood.  I couldn't stand it, the images that flashed through my head when I head about it were horrifying.

"I'm hoping that I don't have to study anything like that anymore," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Jessica laughed.  "You're screwed then.  We're always going to study thing things like that, here at the Base."

My stomach felt queasy.  "I don't like the sound of that.  Don't make me throw up, Jess," I said.

As we approached the entrance of the lunch room, Inspector Collins stepped out.  "ID cards?" he asked.

I pulled out my ID card while Jessica fumbled with hers.  Inspector Collins studied our cards and looked back up at us.  He stepped out of the way, and we entered.

"I wonder why security is so tight these days...." Jessica said.  "It's not like we're going to run away or something."

"Running away would be nice," I muttered under my breath.

Jessica shot me a look, but said nothing. 

"What?  I'm pretty sure you feel the same way about it, don't you?" I asked softly.

Jessica glared at me and huffed.  "Yes, I feel the same way about it, but don't you dare tell anyone, or we'll be killed.  Literally," she hissed.

I almost laughed.  "I won't say anything, I promise.  I just can't wait until I turn 18 and move out," I said as we walked towards our assigned lunch tables.

"No, you don't want to turn 18.  No one knows what goes on out there, for goodness sake!" she exclaimed, giving me a crazy look.

I rolled my eyes.  "Oh yeah, when we move out, the great unknown is going to jump out and swallow us whole, huh?" I asked.

Jessica punched my arm.  "You know what I mean.  No one knows what happens when you move out of the Base, remember?  Anything is possible," she said, shooting me a pointed look.

I sighed.  "Anything has to be better than hell," I said as we neared our table.

"No, the Base is actually safe, okay?  Anywhere else is dangerous," she said.

"That's what they say, but is it all really true?" I asked.

Jessica was about to open her mouth and reply, but the boys already at the table pulled us over.  "What're you two talking about?" James asked.

"What could possibly happen if you leave the Base," Jessica replied, shooting me a glare.

Montego and James both looked at me in disbelief.  "You're already thinking about that?" Montego asked.

I crossed my arms as I sat down.  "We're going to turn 18 in two years, guys.  We need to know what's going on out there," I said, glaring at them.

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