I'll be seeing you again

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Orihime tried her best to hold her tears, but she just couldn't.

"I'm terribly sorry miss Inoue." Was all the doctor could get out. She slowly shook her head. "No...it's ok. Thank you..." as she wiped her tear stained face. She slowly smiled at the doctor.

"There are treatments, or other alternatives for this." As he handed her, what seemed like a treatment place. Than she read how much they were, she couldn't afford all of those places. She could play 1/5 of one of the cheapest treatments.

"Miss Inoue, I advise you to not work yourself too hard. Especially since you are a high schooler." The doctor soon picked up a paper and started to sign it. "Please do give this to your teacher. I would like you to take some time off from school."

Orihime wondered how bad was her cancer, was it that bad?

"How long do I have? I mean if I do get treatment or don't."

"Your cancer is very aggressive miss Inoue, but if you do get treatment or surgery, like a heart transplant. You'll have a 50/50 change... but without it...mostly like a few months." As his face sadden.

"Do you how long I had this?..."

"Mostly like 3-4 years without any problem or detection.

Orihime slowly nodded, and after few more talking about treatment. It was her time to go. She walked out of the hospital looking down, Orihime didn't even notice the orange hair teen yelling for her.

"Inoue! Are you ok, you look a little days." As Ichigo walked over to her. Orihime looked up and gave Ichigo a quick smile. "Oh I'm sorry Kurosaki, I'm just a little tired is all." she giggled softly.

"What are you doing at the hospital anyway?" Ichigo question, he had a terrible feeling in his stomach. Like something bad had happen that involved Orihime. "I had a check up today, though I decided that I'll help out the nurses. Since I couldn't help but chat with the children."

Ichigo mentality gave a sigh of relief, glad it wasn't anything terrible. Yet that feeling didn't go away and hope that gut feeling wasn't right maybe some bad food he ate.

"I'll walk you home."

Orihime blushed and looked up at Ichigo "you don't have to do that Kurosaki-Kun, it's not that far from my apartment and I don't want to cause any trouble."

Ichigo couldn't help but smile a bit. "It's no trouble at all Inoue, come on." As he started walking to Orihime's apartment. She felt her stomach had butterflies for those moments.

Yes it was a silent walk, but both of them enjoyed the company of each other. Orihime felt herself smile, yet she couldn't help but feel.. like she shouldn't be the one with Ichigo. The girl that she thought that Ichigo should be with was Rukia.

Yes Orihime does love Ichigo but she could never compare to Rukia. To her, she was perfect. Beautiful, smart, kind, and she was the one who could make Ichigo truly laugh and smile.

Though if Ichigo was happy with Rukia, than Orihime was happy. Even if she was heartbroken, but it honestly didn't matter.

"Thank you Kurosaki-Kun". As Orihime slightly bowed to Ichigo. "Hey, it's no problem at all." Orihime gave him a slight smile as Ichigo walked away.

As She entered her home, it was empty. As always, yet she didn't feel alone. She sometimes smelled her brother's scent or even his amazing cooking. Orihime would sometimes yell out, telling the empty house she was home. Thinking her brother was there when she was alone. 

Orihime wiped a tear away, walked over to her brother's picture and kneeled down. "Hello Sora, I know it's been a while but I have something to tell you." As she looked at the soft smiling picture of a man, who had the same misty eyes of his younger sister. "Well you might actually know -but I want to tell you myself..." she clear her throat.

"I..I have cancer Sora...and I might never get treatment. Because I don't have the money and I don't want to ask our aunt for more money. I feel like I ask too much already.." as she looks down gripping her skirt. "And...if I do get surgery...I have a 50/50 chance of surviving.... and if I do get treatment, It'll be mostly a waste of good money of people who really need it... what's the point?" As she looked up, she imagined her brother would have the look of despair on his face. Almost crying, though Orihime smiled alittle.

"But...it's ok." As she looked at the picture. "Because I get to see you again Sora. I get tell you everything, I get to even eat your delicious food again. And...I get to tell you how grateful I am for what you have done for me. That I've never got to tell you. Even tell you sorry for all the terrible things I had said to you before you left for work. Just because you thought about me and my hair..." as she slowly touch the hairpins.

"Plus, I lived a good life!" As she smiled brightly, as if she was back to her normal self. "I have good grades, I'm third in my class.. oh! I have wonderful friends." As she thought about Chad, Ishina, Rukia, tatsuki, and Ichigo her crush... and.. she smiled as she thought of the emerald eyed boy. The boy who came to her aid after what happened to her brother. A bit before Tatsuki came, he was one of her first friends. Ulquiorra was special to her. "And if I have to choose between living without saying sorry to you or to die tomorrow to be in your arms again brother." As a tear slowly ran down her cheek as she smiled sadly.

"I would rather die, and be in your arms again brother."

If her brother was there, he would beg her to keep living. He would look for the closest treatment center, put her on the donor list. Though  All she heard was silence and nothing more.

Her heart (Ichihime/ulquihime) Where stories live. Discover now