Chapter 13

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Sprinkling Colors

"You sure harry, you won't take anything?"

Qasim's voice brought back Haaris to his surroundings and he looked around him to see his friends' faces marked with confusion and surprise.

"Yes, I am fine."

He answered after a thought. His friends got back to their banters except Yawar whose curious gaze was still stuck on him.


"Taking the rehab program seriously, huh?"

Haaris didn't bother to answer him and got again busy on his cell phone. It all was the same, but didn't know why he was feeling some sort of uneasiness, suffocation. It was not the drinks or drugs that were making him feel so, it was as if due to the company of his friends, his long life friends.

"It's not beneficial, you know. Nothing helps you forget your past better than this."

Yawar slurred showing him his glass which was full of dark red drink. Haaris disgustedly looked at him, why he was still friends with him? They were met through Qasim when he was in twelfth grade and he liked his company because he used to show him new things and Yawar was the one who had brought drugs into his life. But, something had changed, maybe earlier he used to be so drunk that he couldn't decipher which company he was keeping.

"Thinking about your doct.."

Yawar again slurred and fell on the sofa, slipping into slumber quickly. Haaris was thankful for Yawars's drunk state which didn't give him a chance to complete his sentence. He didn't want to listen to Ghazal's name from Yawar's mouth, as if it would make her name impure.

Without telling anybody, he left Qasim's house. His head was banging badly, maybe due to the smell of alcohol which was tempting him but he refused to do so. Today, Haaris's heart was begging him to see Ghazal, once and only once. But going to his Nanna's house was more than difficult for him, as it held his mother's memories.

A whole month had passed since the last time Haaris had seen Ghazal and Adam. Though, there were quite a few times when he had heard her voice on the call during his panic attacks. The last time was still fresh in his mind, he smiled closing his eyes and resting his head on the back of the front seat.

"Mr. Haaris. Are you alright? Talk to me."

Ghazal's voice was echoing in his room and Haaris tightly held his hair in order to calm down his mind.

"Doctor, these thoughts are haunting me,th-they will kill me. Divert m-my m-mind." He pleaded with tears in his eyes.

"Mr. Haaris, Mr. Haaris. Do you want to talk to Adam?"

Haaris looked at his mobile with surprise, really Ghazal was offering him talk to Adam. He knew she didn't like when he used to converse with Adam, it could be read on her face.

"Can I?"


He heard some shuffling and then an innocent voice welcomed him.

"Haarish. Ashlamalikum." Haaris chuckled at his childish greeting and replied with a smile.

"Walekumassalam. Where did you learn this?"

"Ma taught me. You know I made sho many drawingsh. I show you."

Haaris chortled, this kid was surely different. He was like a medicine to his broken heart, seeing and talking to him felt like he was being with his own childhood.

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