Suicide Isn't The Answer

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To all the people thinking about killing them selves,

Its not the right answer, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Suicide may seem like the best answer but it's not, just think about the people around you, the people you care about and who care you, think about how devastated they'd be.

I have always hated my life, I don't know my real dad and my step-dad says I'm important to him but his attitude says otherwise. Almost everybody hates me, the only people that want anything to do with me are my best friend since kindergarten, her parents, my mom and my step brother. They are all very special to me but in my mind more people wouldn't care if I died. I started cutting and my best friend found out, she told me to never do it again and I told her I wouldn't but I did, I did it again and again and again. It got hard to hide it, I always wore long sleeves and sweaters even when it was hot, finally my mom found out and she cried, she thought it was something she did. Seeing my mom cry, one of the only people who cared about crying, it broke my heart. She took me to a psychiatrist, he asked me if I ever thought about suicide, I told him the truth, yes. That night I lyed in my bed staring at the ceiling, I remembered my mom crying then I started thinking about how she'd react if I killed myself, then I thought about how my best friend would react, then I thought about how my best friend since kimdrrgarten's parents would react, I'm like another daughter to them, then I started thinking how my step brother would react, I accepted him when he admitted he's gay. Thinking about all the people I love and care about so deeply, crying and hurt because of me made me want to punch myself for even thinking about killing myself. I went to bed and it's been 3 months since then and I haven't cut myself or thought about killing myself since and every time I hear about someone wanting to kill themselves I try to help the best I can.

So if you harm yourself or have thoughts about killing yourself or just need someone to talk to, I'm always here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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