Give then a fighting chance.

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I despise the animal abuse and neglect that is going on in our world today. Nothing upsets me more than scrolling on social media and a photo of some abused animal, tear your heart out. I personally do not want to see it. It upsets me too much.

Does it help to post graphic upsetting photos? Do they reach those who really would do something about it, I don't think so, I for one scroll on, as quick as I can. I don't want to see it. Now ask me to sign a petition, ask me to donate money, without gory picks and I will do it. By posting a picture, I won't even read, why you are doing it.

One of the situation I feel strongly about is the senseless supporting of lion cub petting. Do you have any idea that, that same little cute cub you are playing with will be sentenced to a tiny fenced in camp, where some idiot hunter will shoot it for fun. They do not have a chance to run and hide, they do not have a chance to defend themselves. They are placed in a can to be hunted by some unfeeling IDIOT. Wow, you have really shown the world what a great human being you are. If you want to show off your hunting trophies. Go hunt in the bush, you and a knife against a lion. Then it would be fair.

I would love to work with animals but I know myself too well. I would probably want to take them all home. Which could be a problem in an already crowded house filled with rescued animals. Many of us do not have the time or the funds to help. But you can sign a petition. It is for free and only takes a second of your time. We all need to become earth warriors and give animals and earth a fighting chance. Please make your voice heard. You might just save a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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