Chapter 7

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OH GOD!!! You will NEVER believe what happened to me yesterday. Well you know how my grandma decided we have some family sharing time right? Well she said that I go bring some marshmallows and we will roast them and then eat it. 

So I went out to the nearby grocery store and I just turned on a street when I stepped on a rather smooth surface. It didn't seem like a ground to me and I realised after a while that it was actually a DOG'S TAIL!! I quickly ran from there and the dog started chasing  me down the street, it was so embarrassing! Finally, I looked back and the dog was out of sight so I stopped to catch my breath, got the marshmallows and got the hell out of there!

That was the scariest experience I had ever had with dogs. Although it was rather odd that I couldn't handle the dog, considering I am very good with most dogs. But perhaps that one had a terrible past from which, his nature is quite wild and aggressive.

Anyway, I thought that after that, nothing could really go wrong but life was very eager to prove me wrong. I went home and grandpa had set out a fire but unfortunately, I don't know how, but his pants caught one fire and I saw him running around in circles while my mother kept splashing water here and there. It was actually quite funny, to be honest. Finally the fire was gone but my grandpa looked like he just went for a nice swim so he went and changed while me and grandma roasted the marshmallows. Our whole family watched a comedy movie while we ate our roasted marshmallows with some hot chocolate made by my grandma.

Overall, the family sharing time was extremely wierd but at the end, all was good. 

Anyway, so back to the present now. 

Well, I have made the exact same card I made that day so that I can ask Nikki out and then I will try as hard as I can to make her remember everything again. 

I wrote the same message in the card again and got ready for school. I wore the same clothes that I wore that day too. 

I quickly gobbled up some scrambled eggs and rushed out the door to get to school.

After 15 min

I am just going to my locker so that I can ask Nikki about the crazy burger thing. Marcus is there too so I will have a bit of confidence. Even tough Nikki actually asked me out that day but I don't think that's going to be happening today since she doesn't even remember me so I will just have to ask her myself. Anyway, I was walking towards Marcus when I saw something because of which my eyes literally popped out. I saw Nikki standing in front of her locker talking to this guy. I think he's new but WHAT THE HELL!! They both seem to like each other and for some reason, I have a really bad feeling of what's gonna happen next.

''Common buddy! Go, quickly ask her'', Marcus cheered me.

''B..But look, she is talking to that other guy. They both seem to really like each other'', I said shyly.

''Oh common, they probably just met a few minutes ago. What can go wrong. Be a man and ask her''


I went towards Nikki and took a deep breath.

''Hi Brandon'', Nikki said suddenly.

''Oh, ughh..umm..yeah, hi'', I said as if i had been suddenly interrupted. 

''You, alright?'', she asked.

''Umm...yeah, actually, I had to ak you something'', I said.

''Go on''.

''Actually I was wondering if you would like to go to Crazy Burger with me. Today at 3:00, if you don't mind'', I asked as quickly as I can. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Chloe, Zoey and Theo were here as well now.

''Umm..actually, Brandon. Harry already asked me and I will be going somewhere with him tonight.''

''Yep..that's ughh...totally...umm.yeah, fine. Fine'', I said, stuttering. 

I turned and I was about to go when Nikki called.

''Brandon!'', she called.

''Yeah, yeah'', I quickly looked at her with hope.

''I really am...sorry'', she said quielty.

''Yep, it''s okay.'', I said.

I couldn't believe that this is happening!

I went back to Marcus and everyone else.

''What  happened?'', they asked.

''She..she said no'', I said, stuttering.

''What?! Why? She has no right to say no. Our plan was so close! Well, she is going to have to face me now for hurting you like that!'', said Chloe angrily.

She's really sensitive.

''Well, she's going out with another guy''

''Who?'', everyone asked, suspiciously.

''I got no idea'', I said.

(Everyone sighed)


I have no idea what's gonna happen now but hopefully I will be able to go with her some other day.

In the meantime, who's that guy that asked her out!

Hello guys! 

I updated finalyy! YAYYY!! Sorry for making you wait so long. But no more waiting for you guys. Finally, holidays are here and I will try to update everyday if possible! Anyway., I hope you liked this chapter. I have a few questions you guys gotta answer. Here they are:

1) What do you think of the book so far?

2) Who do you think is that guy that asked Nikki out?

3) What do you think will happen next?

4) What's your favourite character?

5) Did you like to read a bit about the family dramas at Brandon's house. (the dog chasing Brandon)?

Please, please, please answer those cause I love feedback.

Finally, don't forget to vote, comment and add to reading list. Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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