Ch 5~ The First Day Of Classes

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Anna's POV~

Last night was so good. In my dormitory room there is Lana, Astoria (both of which I was so excited about) and pansy. Why couldn't pansy be in the other dorm! I thought we were going to have no fun and not be able to talk about anything mischievous with her around but she spent the whole evening in the common room trying to flirt with Draco. Either that or she was trying to start conversation with the other Slytherins although she never really fitted in.

I felt bad for her.

Anyway while she was doing that we were in the room chatting about all the things that girls chat about.

We talked about boys, famous witches and wizards, what classes we think we will like, just stuff like that.

While we were talking about boys I found out some pretty interesting information about my two new friends...

Lana was in love with my brother! How disgusting my best friend in love with my other best friend. I mean me and Lana were getting pretty close and me and Draco were like inseparable so it's just weird if she likes him. I don't mind though because she is a cool person and she is a lot like me so I will slip in a word for her with Draco. Also I sorta think Blaise is cute so...

Also Astoria has a little bit of a crush on Theodore Nott. I mean he's cute and he's in our year but he doesn't really socialise with people as far as I can see.

Right now we are in the Great Hall eating breakfast. Lana and I chose to sit with our twins who were also sitting with each other along side the two oafs that Draco had made his slaves/body guards.

Astoria sat with us because she wanted to get to know everyone.

I have just introduced lana to Draco (which she was ecstatic about).

"Nice to meet you Lana," Draco greeted her with a sly, flirty wink. He does that a lot to girls. Leading them in and then blowing them off...

It is the best thing ever! I love the look on girls faces when Draco blows them off. It is hilarious!

I don't think that is the case with lana though. I think he likes her. I will confront him later I mentally noted.

"N-nice to meet you t-to," she replied shyly. Wow lana is something alright. She can be giggly, loud, angry, cunning, and shy.

"All Slytherin first years gather round." A scary voice said. That voice gave me shivers for some reason. It was loud but monotone and something about it was just a bit off.

"He is our house head. Professor Snape. Remember Anna? Father told us about him..." Draco reminded me.

I wanted to get on his good side for sure. I don't want to imaging what school would be like if I didn't. He had a sort of evil feel about him. I mean we were Slytherins but none of us were pure evil! We were cunning, clever and cruel but never EVIL!

Snape handed out our schedules and we all compared classes. We found out we all had every class together which was amazing. I can't wait to mock all the nerdy ravenclaws in transfiguration and all the dumb hufflepuffs in herbology.


We also found out that we had potions with the Gryffindor first years. That would prove to be interesting as it is taught by our year head, Snape!

"Come on guys," Astoria said to the 6 of us. "Let's get to transfiguration where we can mock all of the ravenclaws" she laughed.

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