Baby Wentz

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Baby Wentz

~Faye Eevie Wentz~

I stared at the little girl that was sound asleep on the couch next to me.

This all happened so fast. It didn't seem like real life, it was only hours ago that I was a single man, with one kid. But here I am now with a daughter that was randomly dumped on me after being abandon by her mother, now don't get me wrong, I already loved this little girl so much but it was all so sudden. I don't have time to take care of a child. I'm in a band, I tour the world. I've never even taken care of a child on my own for more than 12 hours. What if I can't give her the proper life she deserves ? What if she grows to hate me ? What if she doesn't like me now ?

My mind raced with thoughts that weren't doing me any good.


Faye is Pete's 3 year old daughter. on an ordinary day in the studio he gets a very important phone call, little does he know it's about a little girl that that he's never heard of. The unfortunate events with her mother lands her in a shelter for kids with little room and the only person that can keep the little girl in her home state is her father, Pete Wentz, former member of Fall Out Boy.

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