chapter 3: training

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The dragon flew back down to his resting area and waited for the return of his pupil. He didn't have to wait very long. After about a minute Blaze came stomping back grudgingly.

"get up!" Blaze said to him as soon as she got close.

"Why?" The dragon mumbled, faking a yawn to make it seem as if he had been sleeping there the whole time.

"I want to practice!" Blaze said, puffing out her chest and putting her hands on her hips.

The dragon raised an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't like practice" he said, a small hint of teasing in his voice.

"Well i want to!" she said, stamping her foot.

The dragon laughed quietly, it was amazing how determined she could get because of this boy. "OK" the dragon agreed "if you can make a fireball by the time the sun reaches the tip of that tree tomorrow" he said, pointing to a tall tree in the distance "I will teach you whatever you want"

The little girls eyes lit up "Promise?" she asked, holding out her pinky

The dragon laughed but held out his pinky, which was about the size of her whole body, "Promise" he agreed as she took his pinky in her own.

"OK! You promised!" Blaze yelled as she ran of and tried to create her own fire.

The old dragon chuckled as he watched the little girl try so hard to create her own flame. He knew that she wouldn't get it without any help but he wanted to see how determined she was. 'Ill teach her tomorrow' he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and went to sleep. He woke up around the middle of the night to find Blaze slowly crawling up to sleep next to him. Her hands were worn out and her breath came in short huffs. The dragon smiled and curled his tail around her to keep her safe from the cold night. Tomorrow. he muttered, half to himself, half to blaze, and went back to sleep.

He woke up early the next morning by a constant tugging at his ear. When he opened his eyes he saw that it was blaze. "c'mon! wake up!"she yelled as she pulled on his ear with all her might.

"Why?" the dragon muttered, still half asleep.

"you need to teach me!" she said

"But you didn't make your own fire" the dragon muttered sleepily

"That's because you didn't help me!" she stated, stomping her foot. "So get up!"

The dragon lifted his head and looked at her, yawned very widely then closed his eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. Blaze was impatient by now because she had been trying to wake him for ages. his body was so huge that no matter what she did he wouldn't wake up but his ears are really sensitive. Blaze pulled his ear up as far as she could and leaned in close, taking a deep breath "GET UP!!!" she shouted as loud as she could. The old dragon felt like her voice was ringing a thousand times through his head. OK OK I'm up I'm up! he said hurriedly before she did it again, getting up and holding a paw to his throbbing ear.

"teach me!" blaze yelled excitedly, jumping up and down immediately in a good mood once he was up.

The dragon sighed and shook his head. "OK, put your arms like this" he said, placing her arms together with her hands in a grabbing gesture. "Now imagine that you have fire in you. that instead of blood pumping through your veins its burning hot lava and your heart is a volcano, erupting with every beat. imagine that..." here the dragon stopped, noticing that Blaze was looking up at him with a confused look on her face. sometimes he forgot that she was only six. The dragon stood in thought for awhile "OK" he said eventually "you can light up right?"

Blaze nodded eagerly and clenched her hands to her side, concentrating. After awhile her hair caught fire, or turned into fire more like. "OK" she smiled, proud of herself "now what?"

"now, go back into the position that i put you and try to make that fire go into your hands instead" the dragon muttered ".... without moving..." he added as Blaze shrieked out in pain after attempting to grab hold of the flames.

"but that's impossible!" Blaze complained

"watch" the dragon said, putting one foot forward and stretching his arms out, his wrists touching each other and his palms turned outward with his fingers posed as if he was grabbing for something. The dragon closed his eyes in concentration for a second and in that second, as if it were no trouble at all he had created a perfect ball of fire and shot it into the sky. Blaze gaped in amazement and attempted to o the same but nothing happened. "give it time" the dragon said "it will come to you" the two of them practiced for hours but after the sun had set the best that Blaze had achieved was a puff of smoke. "its alright" the dragon said in a weary voice "most people learn this when their older, we can try again tomorrow, get some rest for now, your body is tired" Blaze agreed and obediently lay down in a nice shady area and closed her eyes."finally" the old dragon sighed and lay down, exhausted and in a few minutes he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Blaze opened her eyes at the sound of the dragons snoring and got up. She was going to go show that stupid boy that she was stronger than him


im not sure if o should keep writing on this chapter or make another one but ill publish it anyway, i just want to warn you that i might update it later. sorry for taking so long but i did say im lazy XP

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2012 ⏰

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