Part 1: mystery night!

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Siham: wow a good camping night. Amy: lol yes awesome right a I hope there is no things to scary us. Esther: come on guys this is a night that is going to be fun. January: yes right Esther come on. Kadiatu: ok let's set up our camping tents. All: ok! Siham: ok I will with Amy and Esther with January,lastly Kadiatu with um, Esther and January. All: ok. So everyone got their tents and everything ready. Siham: Amy lets go and get a good night sleep. Esther: already, we can go to Siham and Amy's tent and play. January, Esther, Kadiatu: YA! So all the girls went to our tent played together. Siham: wow it's 12:00pm we have to sleep. Amy: yes I am tired too. Amy and January and Siham want to bed except Esther. Esther: but I am not tired,oh fine whatever. {later in the night} ahahahbah. Amy: ahhhhhhh... Siham and Esther and January came running. Esther: Amy are u ok. January: u scared us really good, LOL. Amy: I saw some thing walking in the woods. Siham: maybe it was a wolve. Kadiatu starring at me like seriously. Siham: hahah.. Amy: I think Sihams right. Kadiatu and Esther: she is just kidding. Siham: hahaha.. sorry. Amy: can we all see what it was, together. All of them: yes, sure why. So all of the girls went to the woods and they all walked together. Amy: thanks guys your the best. Siham: aww your welcome lol. So all the girls went to the woods and walked together to find that sound. As they walk deeply the more sounds they hear. Kadiatu: hey guys we should go back to the tent. Esther: you want to find that monster don't u? Siham:come on guys we have to find it or Amy will feel bad and be scared every time. January:yes I agree. Esther and Kadiatu:ok. Amy: um girls what is that? ( looking scared and afraid). Esther:um I think is a big wolf. Siham: yes me too. Kadiatu: um I think is walking toward us! January: um I think we should, RUN!!! Everyone started running and the wolf was chasing them. Amy: oh omg this is bad now the wolf is chasing us and it's running. Siham: I don't think I can it.  TO BE CONTINUED.....

Find out if they will make it and if they will be safe or eating.


Have fun and be a good 😊 reader. lOL.

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