A Bitter-Sweet Encounter

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They were all silently watching in one place. The Mage, the Thief and the Cleric.They tend not to interfere in what was happening right in front of their own eyes.

Raven : S-s-stop f-fighting please...

She said it in a soft voice while holding her mace tightly yet no one seemed to hear it*

Rizuki : How ridiculous.

He stated while leaning on a rock behind the three of them.

Suddenly, a puff of dust appeared right in front of them. As if someone has landed there. Then, when everything was clear, there stood the Warrior and the Hunter, panting heavily as if they were battling the whole time.

MJ : *still panting* You... Your'e one heck of an awesome fighter... *breathes then offers a thumbs up* Yosh! I have decided to make you as one of the members of the TROLL Team. *grins widely*

Iris : *takes a deep breath* Oi. That is not the reason why I invited you to a duel idiot. *points at MJ* I will not forget what you did that day, you.... You Savaged Beast.

MJ : *tilts his head* Eh? Since when did I have THAT title?

The huntress took no avail and readied herself to aim towards the warrior. The warrior dodged them as quickly as possible yet took no effort in doing so. He tried to counterattack but she is agile enough to deflect his moves. They exchanged their attacks yet they are at par with each other, making it hard to see who will come up as the victor. With this, the Mage, who is just watching in awe, snapped back to reality then shouted.

Zaya: How did it turned up like THI I I I I I I I I I I I I S S S S S S S S S S !!!!!


The Beast and The Huntress

MJ was resting at the inn in Andrew Village when an idea popped up on his head. He lazily got up and head for the door. He was bored so he thought of a way to kill his boredom. He went to the Limestone Mt. and slay a couple of mushroids and golems to satisfy his mood yet none of them have met his expectation. He was headed back to his place when he saw a huntress who appears to be busy looking for her prey. He can see how persistent and serious the girl was, which is directly opposite of his personality. Being curious of who she was, he followed and watched the girl at a distance. As he was stalking the girl, something caught his eye in a split second and returned his gaze to the huntress. He was shocked when the girl disappeared with just a mere second. He looked around but the huntress was nowhere to be found. Then he heard a voice on his top right.

Iris : Who are you? *pointing her bows and arrows right between MJ's eyes with a straight face*

MJ : *shocked with the presence of Iris* etto... I just saw you there ... *points at the last spot where he saw Iris then turns his gaze back at her* Then your here.... *yet she disappeared again* eh? (0.0) (-.-) (0.0)

Iris : *standing behind him and spoke with a soft yet serious tone* You didn't answer my question, fool...

*Mj was startled and fell to the ground thinking that this girl is the weirdest girl he'd ever met*

Iris : I will only ask you one more time, Who are you?

MJ : M-My name is MJ. N-Nice to meet ya. *scratches the back of his head while smiling sheepishly*

Iris: Tch. *loooking dissatisfied with MJ's answer* State which class you belong to and which guild you are included.

MJ: *slowly got up* Warrior. No guild.

Iris : Why are you following me?

MJ : Sigh. Look I was only following you because I got bored and-

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