the one where jensen ackles tried to send me to space

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Okay so I went to this place where we had to prepare because we were going up into space in these weird pod things and I had to take my shirt off to change into my space suit and Misha Collins just walked in and put his hand on my stomach and in his Castiel voice said "you have a very firm abdomen," and then he just walked out. When I was all geared up and in my little ball to go to space and fucking Jensen Ackles was the one who was gonna pull the lever and I said to him "if you mess this up, i'll kill you" and he was like "don't worry i got this" and he did his fuckING COMEDY ELBOWS but he was still too fucking weak to get me into orbit so I just kind of crashed in the middle of nowhere and then my moM WOKE ME UP SO.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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