Chapter Six: Finalizing the Team

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Noelle had gotten her suit and her code name. Her suit is black and red, with a phasing glass face mask that's tinted red. It's phasing because it needs to let her beams pass through if she used them. She didn't want fingers on the suit, as she intended to poison some people. She wanted a black and red design, and she wanted it to looked like a snake. The face mask had a red tint and there were two black teeth at the top and bottom. There are red, imprinted, small, narrow eyes directly above the mouth. The black of the teeth expands to the whole of her helmet. The black ran down her chest and stomach, going all the way down to her knees, from which they stopped and became points. The same design was on her back, too. There were black points going upward on the top of her foot. Her sides were all red. Her arms were mostly red, all the way to her elbows. After that, it was black all they way to her knuckles, where it stopped, exposing her fingers. In order to conceal her suit, she had it made to where she can press a button on the side of her helmet and the suit will be sucked into it. Noelle has now become Fang.

Zachariah created a shield on his forearm, as to help her with her heat vision practice. Noelle immediately understood, took a step back, and nuclear beams shot from her eyes. They were so powerful, it sent Zachariah backwards, his feet digging and moving the pavement. Once they knew that worked, she decided to test her poison. She walked over to a bush, initiated her power, and touched. It was dust before it hit the ground.

   Now, for regeneration. "Damon, shoot one of those darts at my feet." Noelle demanded. After pressing the button and aiming his hand, he popped his neck and shot it. Sure enough, it impaled her right through the ankle. He sprinted over, knelt down, and removed it. Crippled, she fell to the ground and watched as the skin reformed and left a scar where the dart had been. Dart examined the weapon, which had bright red blood on it. He discarded it and tossed it to the side. His cousin shot a nuclear beam at it and muttered,"No evidence."

  Zachariah suggested they check on Rogue's and Bullet's progress. They joined hands and teleported to their location. They were in Akron, Ohio. They were right next to the University of Akron where, as Dart had remembered, a victim had worked. He was a professor who taught astrophysics there. He was last seen in his office, which he told the night janitor he'd be there for a few more hours.

   "Za--Traverse ... can you make us invisible and unheard?" Noelle asked curiously. Dart saw what she was getting at. As if answering her question, Zachariah raised his hand and almost at once, they were concealed. They could still see and hear each other, but no one else could see and hear them.

Dart tried the door, but it wouldn't budge. He aimed his mini gun at the top left, middle and bottom left of the door and shot all three places. Once he was done, he kicked down the door easily. Campus security started flowing from the door, passing through them. They were basically ghosts to them. Dart shivered at the thought and moved on.

He found directions and worked his way to Professor Reymond's office. He did the same with this door and there was another wave of security. They entered the room along with the others. Rogue and Bullet had to be in this room. But where?                                                                                                                                                                                       

   Dart look all around the room and found nothing. Wait, he thought. He looked up. They were up in the ceiling wooden planks, relying on fiction to not fall down. Dart asked Traverse if he could disguise them and he did. "You can come down now!" he called to them. Aww, crap. Bullet thought, not knowing what just happened. As if knowing the confusion, Dart continued,"They can't see, hear, or feel us!" Oh, Bullet realized.

They dropped to the floor and caught the three up on their progress. Then, it was their turn. 

"Who's this?" Rogue asked, pointing at Fang. Dart smiled underneath that helmet of his and replied,"My cousin. Supposedly bit by an alien, she now has extraordinary powers. They would be heat vision, regeneration, camouflage, and poison."

Dart asked,"Any good leads on Reymond?" All laughter from Bullet and Rogue looked in a gravely manner. They looked at each other and back at them. "Dead. Every single one of them. Assassinated. Reymond was a CIA operative sent here to find some potential recruits," Rogue explained. "He recruited me and your parents, Damon. Believe me, he was a good man. His death makes no sense. He was a good agent. Very efficient. As were the others," he added.

"Well, I think we have this covered," Dart said sarcastically. "Shall we get back home to continue this investigation?" Zachariah did as suggested and teleported them home. He lifted the veil once they changed back into their normal day-to-day clothes. Since Fang didn't have any, Bullet went and stole some. All for a good cause.

"Wait, where are we gonna hide our stuff?" Noelle wondered, holding her helmet in her new clothes. Rogue furrowed his brow at the thought. "Yeah, and where's the vehicle we were in earlier?" Bullet ran all over the apartment, came back and reported that he had found nothing. Zachariah eyed them, confused. "There's no need to be alarmed. We have no need for it. I can just create one." At that, he teleported outside, hand hovering above the ground. A taxi spawned, and his clothes changed into a taxi driver's. "See? No need for it."

They all put their suits in the trunk and hopped in. Finn actually hid in the truck because the traffic cameras could get a facial recognition. Zachariah drove, Keith was in the passenger seat, Damon had the seat to the left, and Noelle sat to the far right. They were silent for a long time until Damon finally came up with a question.

"Where are we heading?" Zachariah looked in the rearview mirror and said,"We will be heading to yet another last-seen location. It's f--" And as soon as Zachariah revealed who they were going to find, they were run off highway 61 by a delivery truck and into a large oak.

Origins Book 1: The NightwatchersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora