Chapter 24 >> Apprehension

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Willowcloud was still glowing from her first patrol as a warrior. No longer was she sent to the rear of the group; now she strode with the others in the front.

She knew only her name had changed; the color of her pelt remained the same, and her eyes had not shifted hues. It was purely a new title, and yet it meant so much to her. A warrior. Willowcloud had straightened her chin and let her legs take long, graceful strides.

Even back at camp, where she had shared a sparrow with Frostflower, Sunstrike, and Woodclaw, she felt different. Like she had more authority.

This bout of confidence led her to ask the three, "We should find a safe place for the Clan."

Woodclaw stopped mid-sentence, frowning. He narrowed his eyes in confusion. Frostflower and Sunstrike turned their heads to meet Willowcloud's.

"Sorry," she muttered, feeling guilty for interrupting Woodclaw. "What I'm saying is that while on vigil, I realized our camp is going to flood, no doubt. I mean, look at this place."

Her friends darted their eyes around the sheer cliff-like sides of the camp. They slowly nodded in agreement. Sunstrike's startling blue gaze found Willowcloud's. "Any ideas?"

The gray warrior fumbled for words.

Frostflower narrowed her eyes. "Well, if ThunderClan can't stay here, we should see if there are any places around our territory that can serve as a replacement camp."

"Wait, right now?" Woodclaw looked between the she-cats wildly.

Rolling her eyes, Frostflower nodded.

Over the next quarter moon, the four cats searched daily for somewhere their Clan could stay. Frostflower mentioned their plan to her sister, who promised to keep attempting to contact StarClan.

"They're proving to be elusive." The black she-cat whimpered. She could barely meet her sister's gaze.

Exactly half a moon after Willowcloud received her name, she found herself with Sunstrike, searching the far reaches of ThunderClan territory for a safe camp. Rosy light spilled from between the leaves as the day wound to an end. Shadows drew longer. Paws grew weary, and heads heavy.

Willowcloud leaped to the top of a fallen tree and surveyed the area. Her eyes glowed a dull green, and she lowered them in disappointment after her inspection. Releasing a sigh, she let her shoulders drop.

Beside her, the red tom sat quietly. His posture remained rigid and he did not meet Willowcloud's eyes.

"I can't let myself get down." The gray tabby said. Her words were almost too soft to hear. "I made a promise to myself; not to fail the Clans." She stared into the darkening forest, imagining the other Clans, unaware of any danger. Living day by day. Their fate rested upon the young warrior's sagging shoulders.

She straightened.

"I have faith in you, Willowcloud. And whenever you need assistance, I am always here." Sunstrike raised his eyes to Willowcloud's, a frozen lake churning with waves of emotion below. 

The she-cat was taken aback by his intensity. For the first time, she felt something stirring in her stomach, akin to butterflies fluttering senselessly about. She gave a small dip of her head, trying to get rid of the bothersome sensation.

"I still think the old twolegplace will work. The ground there is high, and the top will provide some protection against the rain." Willowcloud persisted. She had brought up the idea early during the search, but was shot down by both Sunstrike and Frostflower.

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