Chapter 5: Yes

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|Luna's POV|
"Sorry I have really bad asthma." I apologized
"No need to apologize I know how you feel I have asthma to." Ashton said while sitting next to me in a fold up chair rubbing my back to calm me down
"Ok now witch one was the one who submitted the amazing singing." Luke said as everyone pointed at me
"Reed Alexander Deming what did you do to get me the tickets?" I asked so confused
"Sam and I submitted a clip of you singing and you were chosen." He said
"What do you mean I was chosen? Chosen for what?" I asked still confused
"Well we had a contest to see who was the best singer so the person who won got to come with us on tour and sing for our entry and we they were done singing we would go on stage and perform." Michael explained
"So do you want to sing for us?" Luke asked
"Um sure." I said as Ashton helped me up I walked over to the mic that was still hooked up and everyone was gonna at this point just me my friends and 5 seconds of summer so everyone sat in the crowd and I sang lay me down by Sam Smith. Everyone clapped.
"So what do you say would you like to be the opening for every show and come on tour with us?" The boys asked getting on the stage
"Yes I just have to pack." I said
"Okay well since we have no where to stay do any of you have two guest rooms?" Luke asked
"Yeah we have to Makayla can just sleep in my room." I said
"Okay well then let's ggggggooooo." I said dragging out the go part. We get in the limo as there tour bus followed the limo. After dropping everyone off it was just Me, Sam, Makayla, Reed, Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke.
"Thank you for doing this." I said thanking Reed
"Its no problem just a awesome gift for a awesome girl." He said kissing my cheek
"Well we are here." Sam said We all got out of the car and went inside as the limo brought Reed to his house. I opened the door with my key. We walked in and Oreo came running up. I picked him up and he started licking my face I let him out side as Makayla went to me and Sam's and I showed the boys to their room and then I went to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter that read:

Dear kids,
I had to work a late shift tonight and since I know Luna is going to be the only one reading this cause Sam is so irresponsible please tell him and congrats on the tour thing Luna if for some reason Sam is reading this and before you freak out from this note that you forgot to get my permission my answer is yes I love you very much and I'll see you in the morning before you leave
Mother dearest

I laughed at the part where it said Sam was irresponsible because its so true
"SAM COME HERE!!!" I yelled moments later I heard someone coming down the stairs and Sam entered the kitchen and I handed him the note he read it gave me a thumbs up and went back upstairs to do what ever he was doing before I heard some one enter the kitchen I turned to see Calum
"Hey I never got your name because right now me and the boys are referring to you as asthma girl." He said grabbing an apple and biting into it witch of course I didn't mind
"My name's Alexandra but a ton of people call me Luna." I said
"How did you get Luna from Alexandra?" He asked with a confused look on his face
"Well first of all I hate the name Alexandra and I always loved the name Luna so I told everyone to call me Luna and ever since 1st grade I have never really heard any one call me Alexandra." I explained
"So what's your full name?" He asked
"Alexandra Ruby Golbach." I said
"That is really pretty name mines Calum Thomas Hood." He said
"Have and idea let's play truth or dare but this clean version." He said
"Great idea I'll got get Sam and Makayla you go get the other boys." I said
"Ok." Said heading downstairs to go get to the boys and I ran upstairs and walk in the room to see the one thing that my best friend doing something she promised she would never do Makayla and Sam were making out. I got so mad I punched a hole in the wall. I grabbed my inhaler and ran downstairs and all the boys looked at me weird I didn't care I just opened the door and ran outside to the woods behind my house. I ran to a clearing that was a major distance from my house and just broke down in tears.
A couple of minutes later I heard all the boys calling my name.
"Luna please come out. Where are you. Luna." They all shouted

|Calum's POV|

Luna ran downstairs with her inhaler in her hand and opens the door and ran outside I thought she was just getting fresh air but a minute later she didn't come back inside so me and the rest of the boys went to go look for her we went check the woods behind her house because that is where I would have gone so we went check their. After a while I heard crying I ran twords the sound the rest of the boys followed we finally found a clearing where Luna was curled up in a ball crying we all ran twords her and I hugged her and she hugged back and she cried into my shoulder
"Shhh shhh it's okay I'm here." I said rubbing her back and she just continued sobbing uncontrollably into my shoulder.
To be continued...

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