Part I

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{Cleo's POV}

The cafe's warmth increases my body temperature as I walk through the door, coming from my Language Arts class. I look around for any of my friends, to see if they have a free period as well, but 0 of the 3 best friends I have are present. I set my stuff down at a table in front of the window and sit down.

I pull out my book and immediately begin to read, burying my nose into the pages of the novel. For Language Arts we were slowly getting through the story of The Great Gatsby.

I for one, am enjoying the story greatly and I'm a few pages ahead of the class. Don't label me too quick. Trust me, I am no teacher's pet. As I turn the page, someone comes up from behind and lingers creepily for a few seconds.

The person then gives me a big hug from behind, basking me in the scent of freshly cleaned laundry. After that I immediately know that the creep is Jeremiah.

How could I have not guessed...

Jeremiah and I have been best friends from the beginning, diapers until now. He's one of the people I always go to when I need to cry and yell and for any time that I am upset. He is one of the closest friends I've ever had and I'd be upset if it were any other way. He's my go to, my ride or die, my partner in crime.

He smacks a lemon poppy seed muffin and a medium iced coffee, which is my favorite duo from this café, next to the corner of my book.
"Good morning bookworm," He smiles, sitting in the stool next to mine. "Reading already now are we?" I turn towards his face and flash a sly smile his way.

"You know it Jer," I say, flipping through the pages of the book to the bookmark ahead that marked where I wanted to read to. "What are you doing here? You're disrupting my precious free period."

"Ouch no extra time to spare for me? And what? A guy can't stop in a coffee shop anymore and hang out with his best friend?" He asks defensively, hand on his heart. I giggle lightly.

"No, not when his best friend is reading her book, and he's a distraction to her he can't." I reply to his remark.
"So I'm a distraction eh?" He chuckles at me, running a hand through his slightly messed up hair.

A group of girls from debate club suddenly swarm where we are sitting and block my view of Jeremiah. The president of debate club, Winny Nelson, walks by me, giving me the dirtiest look a girl can give. If only looks could kill...then I wouldn't have to deal with her snobby ass anymore. I roll my eyes and finish the remains of my muffin.

I get up and throw away my trash, grab my coffee and book, and stand at the edge of the group, waiting for a good time to say goodbye to my friend, surrounded by girls fawning over him.

I jump, waving, trying to get his attention and when I finally do, smile.
"I'm going to head back to my dorm, I'll see you later Jer!" I yell over the chatter of the club. He frowns and gets up from his seat on the stool. He walks toward me, the girls parting like the goddamn Red Sea, just for him.
"I'll come with," He says smiling and giving me a side hug. "Let's talk later Winny!"

She rolls her eyes at me, annoyed I stole her goddamn future husband away from her. I swear I think that girl has a shrine dedicated to Jer in her closet. I even bet she has drawn out plans to what her future with Jeremiah would be.

I then return her sass, bragging that Jeremiah chose hanging out with me over hanging with her and her minions, with the tip of my tongue hanging from my lips, as if I were a five year old girl. I then walk through the cafe door being held open for me by Jeremiah.

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