Chapter six~~

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sorry unedited again ill come back and do that.hope you all enjoy and tell other peopple please!!!

photo of Alice on side---------->


reece pulled up in the drive way  followed by blake, not a minute after 4pm as no one wanted alice to go hulk on them. as i got out of the car i made my way over to blakes ute to help them offload.

just like before reece went straight inside withput even offering to help unload. i grabbed an ice box and followed james who was carrying some chairs inside.

we walked in and barry shouted out at us from the living room "hey how was it?"

"it was good" james yelled back as he place the chairs on the inside of the door and went outside to grab some more.

" it was good how was your day barry" i said to barry walking into the lounge room. 

"good helpp alice set up for tonights barbie and then wacht some cricket" he said turning back to the teleivison.

i walked back to the hallway and was about to place the ice box on the ground when i heard alice coming down the hall.

"come on you need to have a shower and get ready for tonight. she said taking the icebox from me and dumping it in james arms as he walked through the door.

"how on earth did you carry that victoria it's really heavy' she said witha concerned look on her face.

i just shrugged and smiled at james who was trying to juggle the icebow and two chairs in his arms.

"well come on off you go" alice said shoving me down the hall towards the spare bedroom.

i went in and locked the door behind me not wanting any of the boys to walk in on my when i'm showering.


i wrapped a towel around me as i turned of the hot water and stepped over to the mirror. i

i quickly blow dryed my hair and thenopened my make up bag and just looked at it.

there wasn't much left and i couldn't afforied to buy more if i ran out. so i opted on not having anymake up cause i wanted to save it for a speacial occasion.

i tried my hair back into a messy bun cause it was all puffy from blow drying it.

i  slowly walked back into the room and bent down next to my small suietcase barely full of clothes. i really didn't have much to wear. 

i stood up remembering i was only in a towel as there was a soft knock at the door and someone fidling with the handle as if they were trying to open it but luckly i locked it before.

"who is it "i asked loooking down at myself.

"alice" the person  called back

i made my way over to the door and lend up against it."im only in a towel" i called back to her.

"im the only one outside your door promise" 

With that I opened the door slowly hiding behind it.

Alice beamed in with her arms full of stuff.I closed the door quickly as she dumped it on my bed. As I made my way over to her I pulled my towel around me tighter.

" what all this I said looking down at all the bags that were placed on my bed.

" I got you something to wear tonight after I helped you pack the other week" she said with a smile" ok the dress I would love you to wear tonight is in there , shoes are there and make up to."

She begin to make her way to the door before she turned around." oh thats my curling wand you can borrow it for the moment until we go shopping next weekend" and she turned to leave again.

" wait" I called from behind her and she stopped and looked at me conceded" thanks for all this but you did have to do all this"

" don't be silly of course I do your like my daughter" she said before smiling and leaving. I called out thank you again as she closed the door.

I looked through the bags a smiled at how perfect it all was before picking them up and going into the bathroom.


I looked at myself one more time in the full length mirror that was in the spare bedroom. The dress Alice had got me was perfect. It was white lace with blue and brown flowers on it. It clung to my breast and waist before it flowed out at my hips.

It went to mid thigh and was complemented with a pair of brown gladiators.My hair naturally had a beach wave to it but cause I blow dryer it, it was a mess so I curled my hair with alices curling wand and pinned back the pieces that flowed in my face. My foundation was little just to cover the odd pimple and the small bags under my eyes and I applied a thing line of eyeliner , sone mascara and clear lipgloss.

Suddenly my door flung open and I looked over to see Troy standing there in a light blue shirt that was not button up showing his righted fitted whit v neck shirt. That you could see all the lines of definition under it. he paired this with an old pair of jeans and he pulled off the whole look very well.

I noticed when my gaze fell to his face that he was doing the same thing.

" you srub up well mr smith" I said with playful smile as o walked over to were he was standing by the door.

" so do you ms swan" he said as he held his arm out for me" come on my lady everyones here and waiting to meet you".

I took his arm and walked down the hallway. I was surprised at how gentlemanly he was being.maybe I was wrong. Just than he did something to change my mind. He leaned over to me as we were walking and whispered in my ear" you were cheaking me out again" before giggling like a girl.

I stopped walking and pulled away from him" so you were checking me out" I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

As I said it a blush rose onto troys. Which made me laugh" are you blushing" I cryer out in-between laughter.

" no I wasn't and I was just joking around before" he said taking a further step away from me.

" I know you were joking and so was I" I said wow covered both our tracks there.

" come on let's introduce you to everyone" he said grabbing my wriest and dragging my into the kichten.

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