Bus Ride

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I got on the bus and sat by my my friend J'Naudia.

Camille- Hey girl wassup you slaying today who you tryin to inpress for. J'Naudia- No one I'm not allowed to look good.
Camille- mmhmm, yeah right you think you slick, okay keep playing with me.
J'Naudia- I smell something familier girl.
Camille- What? It stank or something.
J'Naudia- No it a someone Girl.
Chris- Hey girls, how y'all doing today.
J'Naudia- Him. What do you want now Chris dang.?
Chris- Bitch please, you act like you don't wanna see me.
Camille- Don't start today okay ,we didn't do anything to you, to begin with chris.
J'Naudia- Right,you always picking on somebody.
Chris- Shut the fuck up bitch shit,ain't nobody sudden y'all.
J'Naudia-What ever.
Chris- Oooo I can't wait until trey get on the bus bruh.


- After a couple more stops we finally picked up trey. He was wearing black and red. I was biting my lip the whole time he walked on the bus.

Trey- Wassup chris.
Chris- Man these two right here bruh tryin to catch attitudes, I just said mother fucking hi to them.
Trey- Why y'all always being à bitch. Damn!!!
Camille- Trey slow yo roll we just sat here. In we did tell chris hey. He is the one that always be cracking on us and beating us up.
Chris- Bitch shut the fuck up.(slaping us across the head.)👋🙍

We got to school and my head was hurting like Hell. Trey did something real dirty to me. Me and J'Naudia went into the cafeteria got our food in tried to find à seat.
Trey was coming my way, he put his leg out and I trip hard. All I heard was laughing across the cafeteria.
In I got up in ran to the bathroom. I was fucking through I didn't want to get out of the bathroom. I was covered all in yogart.

- That shit was funny as hell. Chris knew I did it for real. I saw her run into the bathroom. I should've bought Fire crackers. In scared the Shit out of her and the bathroom.

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